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17 January 2022 | 10.15am

Rev. A.G. Fraser Memorial Oration 2022

The A.G. Fraser Memorial Oration will be the inaugural event of the T150 calendar. Organized with the primary objective of immortalizing the mission and persona of the Late Rev. A.G. Fraser, the event will be the first of its kind. The oration will be held on the 17th of January 2022 starting at 10.00a.m. The keynote address will be delivered by Prof. Malik Ranasinghe, an old Trinitian who is presently a Senior Professor of Civil Engineering in the University of Moratuwa. The oration will be live-streamed via the College Facebook and YouTube platforms.



In view of current COVID regulations, please note that you can participate at this event only by accessing the LIVE stream link.


Fraser Memorial Oration

The Inaugural Fraser Memorial Oration is the premier event organized for the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of Trinity College Kandy. This event is organized with the primary objective to immortalize the person and mission of Late Rev. A.G. Fraser, one of Trinity’s most illustrious Principals.

The Fraser Memorial Oration will be a T150 Trademark event done with the purpose to encourage the Trinity community to revisit the original spark or inspiration that led Rev. Fraser to restructure and revolutionize the institute that is Trinity.

The FMO will be utilized (Objectives);

  • To unearth the approach and strategies of A.G. Fraser.
  • To make a real time comparison between the pioneering vision of Trinity College Kandy and the contemporary socio-cultural conditions that impact the life of Trinity today.
  • To restore the Trinity passion and quality in the current Trinitians.

Among the many goals of the Fraser Memorial Oration, the following deserve special mention:

  • To begin the transition from an 'ornamental' Trinity vision to a 'holistic and integrated' vision.
  • To establish the Trinity family's "focus" on critical aspects affecting Trinity and to prioritize intervention.
  • To launch a platform that promotes and recognizes high-achieving Trinitians.
  • To communicate Trinity's multifaceted quality away from the undue emphasis placed on individual sport or profession.
  • To rediscover the value of the Trinity Academy, which, at the end of the day, places education achievement first.


Prof. Malik Ranasinghe, an old Trinitian who is the former Vice Chancellor and a Senior Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Moratuwa will deliver the keynote address for the Fraser Memorial Oration.


Prof. Ranasinghe is,

  • A Chartered Engineer
  • An International Professional Engineer
  • A Fellow of the Sri Lankan Institution of Engineers
  • A Fellow of the National Academy of Science
  • A Fellow of the Institute of Project Managers
  • A Graduate Member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors


He is the Deputy Chairman of Sampath Bank PLC, and an independent non-executive Director of Textured Jersey Lanka PLC, Resus Energy PLC, Access Engineering PLC, and United Motors Lanka PLC, among many others.

  • In 1999, the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) honored Prof. Ranasinghe with the General Research Committee Award for the Outstanding Contribution to Sri Lankan Science.
  • In 2004, he was awarded Trinity Prize for Engineering which is awarded once in four years in recognition of the contributions made to the chosen profession by an old boy of Trinity College, Kandy.


The A.G. Fraser Memorial Oration will be held on the 17th of January at 10.00 a.m. at the College Main Hall and will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. Join us to witness the unfolding of a new legacy.



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