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The College Hymn

Where river, lake and mountain meet,
Our boyhood's home surrounding,
A path behold for youthful feet,
The path of life abounding;
Still up it climbs by cliff and crag,
The mount of truth ascending,
Though oft thereon the pilgrim flag,
It leads to life unending.

Oh life is good, both here and now,
And good will be hereafter;
Brave boyhood's unbeclouded brow,
Pure eye and lightsome laughter,
Rich manhood's brain and arm of strength,
In master-purpose mating;
Ripe age, that lays him down at length,
With calm the trump-awaiting.

That joyous Trump! and can it be,
Life now life then excelleth?
The loveliest land that here we see,
That where Immanuel dwelleth?
His servants Him shall serve, Tis writ
In revelation's pages;
For ever broader service fit.
Through ever brighter ages.

Then bravely brother, breast the path,
Nor list the voice alluring;
Triumphant ever sloth, the wrath
And scorn of man enduring,
Yet, constant serve with might and mind,
The school, the land that bore thee.
The slumber and the sin behind,
The Mount of Truth before thee.

Now unto Father, Spirit, Son,
The Deity Triunal,
The timeless throne when things are done,
The last the dread Tribunal,
The Mighty helping God, from whom
No force the saints can sever,
Our Savior in the Day of Doom,
Be Manhood's praise for ever.

(W. S. Senior)
