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Presented by the Interact Club

Lifelong Leaning - 31st October 2021 from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm

Join the session via Teams

A career guidance conversation with Dr Romesh Ranawana

In a fast-evolving world, gaining exposure to various types of career paths is an advantage when a student is at the threshold of deciding his future professional life. A common struggle that’s observed among many students in Sri Lanka is the difficulty they face in identifying what’s best for them in terms of a career, and this leads into a dilemma where they have to follow what their parents, teachers, or peers may force them to do.

With the objective of discussing this challenge, and exposing the students to the concept of “Lifelong Learning” the Rotary Club of Kandy in collaboration with the Interact Club of Trinity has organized a webinar with the prominent software architect and technologist, Dr. Romesh Ranawana, who is also a past pupil of the College, on 31st October 2021 from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. The organizers cordially invite the upper school students and staff members to participate in this webinar which will be a deep dive session in understanding the concept, Lifelong Learning.



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