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Webinar: Anti-Ragging by Break the Chain Movement

Presented by the Interact Club

Webinar: Anti-Ragging by Break the Chain Movement

04 September 2021 | 04.00pm

Break The Chain, a movement based solely on assisting the eradication of ragging in higher education institutions has reached out to the Interact Club of Trinity College to hold an awareness campaign for A/L and post A/L students.

The objective is to eradicate or control ragging in higher educational institutions and that the present time is much suitable as there is less contact between students due to lockdown situations.


The content will address what ragging is, the physical and mental consequence, legal framework in place, personal responsibilities and alternatives for replacement. 

The session will be conducted by Suhanya Devanjee, an undergraduate in International Relations and Tarangee Mutucumarana, attorney at law

Join with the Interact Club on the 4th September 2021 at 4.00 pm via Zoom.

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