A cool breeze swept Chapel on the serene hill, with it carried the merry ambiance of Christmas.
The Chapel of Trinity College was surrounded with blazing lamps and at its entrance stood a Christmas tree and crèche. It was 11.00 pm on the 24th December and it was the third time that Trinity was holding a Midnight Mass in its very own Chapel, a new tradition started by the Principal Andrew Fowler-Watt.
Smiles greeted each other as the nave started to fill. Many prominent figures such as Mr Lionel Perera, the Principal, Mr J. D. Wilson, and Mr Ravi Amarasekera were present.
The the air was filled with joy and excitement as the congregation settled down. The Chaplain commenced the night with a prayer, and as the night advanced the prayers, speakers and hymns each gave wonderful advice.
The hymns were backed by a group from the College Choir. The first hymn was ‘O little town of Bethlehem’. It was followed by ‘Silent Night’, ‘It came upon a Midnight Clear’, ‘Jesus, Good Above All Other’, and to conclude ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’.
The service came to an end with the celebration of the Eucharist. Afterwards, the congregation wished each other with a warm “Merry Christmas!” and were offered Christmas cake and coffee outside the Chapel.
Christmas eve had given way to Christmas day.
Review by R.M.P.M. Ratnayake