Let me wish a Happy Founder’s Day to the Trinity Family. I share the sentiments of late Mr. Lionel Fernando [Principal: 1968 – 1977] on the divinely inspired commitment of the great men of god, who pioneered Trinity: “They were instruments of a divine imperative and therefore beyond our judgement or of posterity. We can only look back in gratitude for what they in their time, each in its own distinct style, have achieved to justify a place in the history of this school and also of the nation”.
This day also marks the official commencement of our preparation for the T150 – the Sesquicentennial Jubilee of Trinity College Kandy [1872 – 2022]. As I have reiterated in many fora, it is a privileged occasion to celebrate the past and envision the future. T150 History Project comprising of “Touchstones, Stories and Connections” would undoubtedly evoke fond memories in the Trinity Family. “T150” proper or the infrastructure development initiative provides the locus of our visioning for the next half-a-century. The administrative and operational interventions currently underway preserves us within the framework of solidly establishing ‘quality in people, processes, and product’.
The third aspect of the jubilee is the T150 Celebration – series of curricular, co-curricular, sports and alumni events that will resonate Trinity Quality. These events hopefully will be a stark reminder to all of us of the perennial authentic vision of Trinity – “an oasis of quality that celebrates diversity”. There are four pillars on which we will structure our year-long anniversary celebration:
- Celebrating the Past
- Envisioning the Future
- Service to Humanity
- Preserving ‘our common home’ [nature]
The above signify interiority. It is to bolster the core [the soul] of our alma mater. It is a collective attempt to resist the temptations of ‘competition and comparison’ that mostly serve the ‘glamour of the wrapping’. Such trends simply dilute the Trinity legacy. The looming socio-cultural and economic challenges ahead of us and the over-riding sense of mediocrity and indecency force us to reinstate our processes and empower the human capital.
Hence, I renew my call to the Trinity Family to be an integral part of this journey. We depend on your financial, material, and professional assistance in driving these projects. Stay safe and Blessings.
Respice Finem
Fr. Araliya Jayasundara OSB