Principal’s Report for the Prize Giving 2020/21

My lord bishop Keerthisiri Fernando – the Bishop of the Diocese of Kurunegala and the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Ceylon, the Chaplain, members of the Board of Governors, Hon Tikiri Kobbekaduwa – Governor of the Sabaragamuwa Province, members of the College Executive Council, members of staff, distinguished guests, parents, old boys, and my dear students, may I extend a very warm welcome to all of you to the Prize Giving of 2020 and 2021. Traditionally this most important event in the College calendar falls on the second Friday of February every year. Due to the prolonged closure of schools in the country due to the pandemic, we were forced to postpone this much awaited event. We are extremely glad to see you all today, which is indicative of your interest in and affection for Trinity. May I also congratulate in anticipation all the prize winners.

At the very outset, on behalf of all gathered, it is my singular honor to extend a respectful welcome to our chief guest this evening, Rt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando, Bishop of Kurunegala and the presiding bishop of the Church of England, Madam Arlene Fernando and all the other distinguished personalities to this august gathering, where will acknowledge the academic, co-curricular and sporting excellence of our students.

Allow me to introduce our chief guest. Rt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando is the Bishop of the Diocese of Kurunagala. Wannakuwatte Miti Waduge Devapriya Keerthisiri Fernando was born in Moratuwa, on the 5th of May 1961, as the son of David Fernando and Neeta Perera. He attended Prince of Wales’ College, Moratuwa, from 1967 to 1980. In 1989. he received his Bachelor of Theology from the University of Serampore in India. Was subsequently ordained as a priest in Church of Ceylon on 30 November 1990. In 1993 he obtained a Bachelor of Divinity from the University of Serampore. From 1996 to 2010 he served in various positions at the Theological College of Lanka in Pilimatalawa. In 2001 he received a Master of Philosophy (Sociology with theological implications) from the University of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka and in 2005 he received a Master of Philosophy (Theology and Sociology of Religion) from the University of Kent UK. He served as Chaplain, Director of Field Education until 2010 and as Acting Principal. In 2011 he became the incumbent of the Holy Emmanuel Church, Moratuwa and in 2015 he was assigned to St. Francis of Assisi church, Mount Lavinia. On 29 April 2016 he was installed as the 5th Archdeacon of Nuwara Eliya. On 21 September 2017 he was elected to the position of Bishop of Kurunagala, On 6 January 2018 he was ordained as the 6th Bishop of Kurunegala at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Kurunagala. My lord bishop, may I have the honor of welcoming you to this gathering.

Let me initiate my address with two stanzas of a poem – from the editorial of the 1930 College Magazine:

On every side I turn I see – An elongated face
And when I ask the reason why – “Why, rubber’s in disgrace
Where once we used to sell a pound, – We scarce can sell an ounce”
And so the rubber gentlemen’s – Completely lost his bounce
Another finds his smooth machine – Has slid into a rut
The Coconut King he cannot sell – A single cocoa-nut.
And though I do exaggerate – At times he ‘gins to blubber
His lamentations for his nuts, – the other’s for his rubber

Editorial – 1930 College Magazine

These are times where such lamentations galore! I stand before this hallowed gathering this evening with a profound sense of hope for a better future for our island nation, where all of us will be able to live peacefully. May the uncertainties that hover around us be vanquished by divine justice and providence.

Right at the very outset of my mission at Trinity, which began on the 1st of October 2020, I clearly enumerated the benchmark of Trinity Education. May I quote from my inaugural address to the Trinity Family:

“The current automated, mechanistic, and industrial model of education with its multiple obsessions – linearity, standardization, conformity and testing makes the student a victim of abject competition, in which results / success become the ultimate concern. We must shun and transcend this culture of mediocrity and embrace an organic model of education that celebrates diversity, encourages curiosity, and enhances creativity. It is a paradigm in education management that empowers the teacher and improves teaching. Let us remind ourselves regularly that the primary link in the educational process is the relationship between the teacher and the student. The rest forms the climate that nurtures the primary link.”

Faithful to this vision of rediscovering the primacy of place of the Trinity Academy, I commend our academic staff for their dedication in guiding the students towards educational excellence. Covid 19 caught most of us off guard. Many vulnerabilities in society were exposed and the entire world was in shock. If not for the timely intervention of my immediate predecessor Dr. Nalin Wickramanayake, who introduced the MS Teams digital learning platform and the visionary digital interventions of Mr. Andrew Fowler-Watt, the achievements of Trinity College Digital Learning Initiative would only be a mere figment of the imagination. On behalf of the College community, I place my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Fowler-Watt and Dr. Wickramanayake.

I am reminded of an often-cited thought by the famous American Industrialist and Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie – “no man will make a great leader who want to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it”. What follows is simply symbolic of the erudition and collective commitment of our staff and the dedication of the achievers.

I want to cite an interesting paragraph from the Centenary Volume of Trinity College published in 1972 by Mr. Hilary Abeyratne of revered memory:

“If the aims of the school in the twentieth century have, therefore, not been narrowly “Christian” nor “English” nor “exclusive” neither have they conformed as they did earlier to the conventional pattern of a narrow academic education. Here, again the lines of development were laid down by Mr. Fraser and generously amplified by Mr. Campbell. None of the Principals of Trinity since then has measured the success of the school on its examination results alone; they have all emphasized that the all-round training aimed at here was the best training for life. It may well be that it is such pronouncements that have given rise to the notion that at Trinity no one is really concerned about examinations and thence to the canard that our examination results have always been uniformly poor “

Centenary Number 1872 – 1972

Vestiges of such views still exist. May I emphatically state that this is not only false, but a gross injustice to the efforts of our committed staff. At Trinity, the academic formation of the student is of primary importance and forms the bedrock of the all-round education we intend to provide for our students.

General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination August 2020

With an overall pass rate of 73%, the following students obtained 3A’s in the biology stream:

Master V.H.S Lukman Hassan
Master U.W.M.B.Y.O.Welagedera
Master N.S.M.J.L.Senanayake
Master S.M.P.D.Samaraweera
Master P.G.K.N.Dayaratne
Master W.M.R.S..Molagoda
Master S.M.U.W.A.Subasinghe
Master G.Arnesh
Master M.S.Wazil
Master M.N.Diviyan

The Physical Science stream achieved a 62% pass rate with 7 students obtaining 3As:

Master W.R.A.S.Padmarajah
Master M.P.K.Lalith Kumara
Master P.D.Thilakasiri
Master A.M.S.P. Attanayake
Master R.A.P.G.S.U.Wijewardena
Master A.A.Nazeem
Master K.M.H.I.Konara

The students of the Commerce stream had an overall pass rate of 61%, with 05 students obtaining 9As.

Master D.M.G.K.Dissanayake
Master M.A.Zubair
Master R.M.Subasinghe
Master Y.D.Mallawaarachchi
Master R.B.C.D.Rathnamalala

The Arts and Technology streams achieved a 65% pass rate.  

International Advanced Level

The following students obtained 9As at the G.C.E.(O/L) Examination 2020:

  1. Master A.M. Jameel
  2. Master A.K. Abeywickrama
  3. Master A.M.S.B.Wijeratne
  4. Master B.M.G.G.D.N. Basnayake
  5. Master C.Venkatesan
  6. Master C.N.Bandara
  7. Master D.Thrilowsan
  8. Master G.H.B.Jayaweera
  9. Master H.M.A.C.Dehigama
  10. Master H.M.C.T.B.Herath
  11. Master H.Y.Sandun Kavinda
  12. Master I.M.M.Himaz
  13. Master I.S.Gunawardena
  14. Master J.R.B.Samarakoon
  15. Master K.C.Harrikzhan
  16. Master K.M.M.R.B.Ratnayake
  17. Master K.T.M.M.Bandara
  18. Master L.S.Liyanage
  19. Master M.Saajid Shanaz
  20. Master M.A.M.Azeem
  21. Master N.S.M.H.J.Senanayake
  22. Master N.D.B.Tennakoon
  23. Master N.H.Udawatte
  24. Master P.B.W.M.S.N.Wijekoon
  25. Master R.D.B.Udawatte
  26. Master R.G.R.D.Ranasinghe
  27. Master R.Y.I.Dissanayake
  28. Master R.A.I.W.Chandrasena
  29. Master R.W.M.P.M.Ratnayake
  30. Master R.C.Fernando
  31. Master S.J.B.Boyagoda
  32. Master S.V.Hewage
  33. Master S.M.D.B.Senanayake
  34. Master S.P.H.I.Nawaratne
  35. Master S.K.Kodagoda
  36. Master S.B.Waduge
  37. Master T.Piyathilake
  38. Master V.M.Jayaweera
  39. Master W.M.Isiwara Thinuka
  40. Master W.W.L.S.Waduge
  41. Master W.M.T.N.Molagoda
  42. Master W.M.D.H.Wijayasundara
  43. Master W.W.D.R.D.C.B.Wijesekare
  44. Master B.A.Ramil Chamupathi
  45. Master D.M.D.T.Bandara

In the 2020 G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination, Trinity College achieved high pass rates: English medium 100% / Sinhala medium 98% / Tamil medium 100%. May I express my thanks to the untiring efforts of the faculty of the Ordinary Level section.

Prof. Malik Ranasinghe, at the Inaugural Fraser Memorial Oration commemorating the T150 Sesquicentennial Anniversary Celebration titled his keynote – Trinity Education: Adapt or Perish”. His message to the Trinity community was pristine clear – the critical need to revamp the Trinity academy as the main stay of Trinity education. Considering the volatile and the uncertain environments our students had to face their achievements are highly commendable. It is our desire to improve on these critical indicators of academic achievements. A comprehensive review of Trinity College teaching-learning and assessment processes is currently under way to reach higher goals in student academic achievements. All our recent interventions are focused on forming a 21st century Trinitian.

The Co-Curricular activity platform is a critical instrument in 21st century holistic education that harnesses the in-built potential of the student. The class, the field, and the stage provide for the student a delicate balance in education. I am sure all of you will be surprised to know that currently we have 51 co-curricular activities functioning at Trinity College. Some are very active, more than the others. A few clubs deserve special mention:

Trinity College Debating team has reached great heights during the last two years. They emerged as the novice champions in 2020 at the Sri Lanka Schools Debating Championship, an annual tournament organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Colombo. This event is endorsed by the Debaters’ Council of Sri Lanka, and it is the tournament with the highest number of participants in terms of school-level debaters, hence, one of the most prestigious tournaments in Sri Lanka for school debaters. During the period under consideration our debaters achieved excellent gradings at the Bhavan Vidyalaya Chandigarh Parliamentary Debating Championship 2020, Lillian Nixon Memorial Debating Championship by Ladies college. The Lakshaman Kadirgamar Memorial Online Debating Tournament organized by Trinity College is now a much-awaited annual event in the school circuit. A special note of thanks to Dr. Nalin Wikramanayake and Mr. Lithmal Jayawardene for reinitiating Debating Society as an important extension to the Trinity College Literary Association.

The Science Society of Trinity College Kandy is renowned as one of the oldest science societies in Sri Lanka. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic they were unable to organize the prestigious Science Day and Professor Senaka Bibile memorial quiz competition which was held annually. Amid these challenges, they were able to achieve some exceptional results winning the Sajith Pothupitiya Challenge Shield organized by the Chemistry Club of Royal College,

The Library Council of Trinity College, inspired by their new vision, embarked on several new initiatives to improve the overall standards of our students. The library council’s Coffee Talk webinar series was admired by many. In 2020, seven students took part in the book writing programme organized by the National Library Services Board of Sri Lanka in collaboration with ministry of Education.

Interactors began with the virtual Installation of the new committee, the first in Trinity’s history, and the club swiftly moved to the online platform, launching multiple poster campaigns and webinars to raise awareness under various important themes. An online photography competition won the “Best International Understanding Project” at the District Citation Awards. They were also involved in charity drives which included a donation of stationery to Keppetipola Maha Vidyalaya and Rekindle; a donation to a pre-school in Monaragala. Trinity College Interact Club was awarded the following awards for their contribution for the years 2020/21: Executive Board Citation; Interact-Interact Citation; Public Relation Citation; Best International Understanding Project.

With the resumption of College activities in the post-pandemic scenario, we hope to revive our clubs and societies within the Trinity College Co-Curricular Activities Enrichment Initiative during this T150 Anniversary Year.

Sports form an integral and critical dimension of Trinity Education. Not surprisingly, Trinity provides opportunities for 19 sports activities for our students. The pandemic had a severe impact on our annual sports programme during the last two years. Cricket was one of the few sports that almost completed the 2019/2020 season. During this season our 1st XI cricketers played 15 matches, with 8 outright victories, 4 first innings wins: 3 losses. Unfortunately, the much-anticipated big match was postponed in both years. In the 2019/20 season Trinity emerged as the team with the highest points of the 2-day tournament and highest outright wins. We also won the Mahela-Sanga trophy once again. Mast. Matheesha Pathirana and Mast. Ruvin Peiris had the honor of representing the Sri Lanka U 19 National Team, which toured Bangladesh. Mast. Pathirana later went on the under 19 world cup tournament held in South Africa. Junior cricket came to a complete standstill during the last two years.

How much we miss the coveted Bradby Shield. During the last two years there was little competitive rugby played. However, I must commend the efforts of our rugby coaches for the well-organized senior and junior house tournaments and the training of coaches in view of the current season. It is heartening to see the off-field preparations of our young rugby players with the able assistance of the Trinity College Rugby Scrummage.

Irrespective of the challenges faced, we were able to acknowledge and recognized those sportsmen at Trinity by awarding colours and lions for their outstanding sporting achievements and their contribution to Trintiy sports by taking part in the national tournaments held during the pandemic. After a thorough scrutiny of the Trinity Awards criteria, we have been awarded 25 colours for Badminton, Cricket, Karate, Weightlifting and Cadet and one Lion for Cricket. Currently all our sportsmen have resumed training and are gearing up to participate in the respective tournament. Given the challenges we have faced in the recent past, the time is ripe to introduce a comprehensive sports management structure at Trinity. There is also an urgent need to rediscover the role of parents in grooming a Trinity sportsman as sports can only be a portent means to form a disciplined and value-driven human person.

During the latter part of 2021, the College community participated in a series of C-19-related charitable activities. In collaboration with the Kandy Schools’ Medical Unit and the Provincial Health Ministry we organized multiple vaccination campaigns and the commitment of the staff, old boys and the students were highly appreciated. At the height of the pandemic, Trinity willingly offered the use of the International Advanced Level section for a Covid Treatment Center for children. The health authorities did not require this facility as they efficiently managed the spread of the virus in Kandy among children. 

During the two years under consideration, we saw many of our colleagues in the academic staff leaving Trinity College and some remarkable individuals joining us in this noble mission of forming lives.

We bade farewell to:

Mr. Andrew Fowler-Watt
Dr. Nalin Wikramanayake
Rev. Fr. Sanath Madagamgoda
Rev. Bro. Lionel Pieris OFM
Mrs. Nirosha Gunawardena
Mr. Chamira Athauda
Mrs. S. Caroline Gnanapragasam.
Mrs. Indika Ellepola
Mr. Duminda Dodanwela
Mrs. Manoranjanee Kingsley
Mrs. Balendran. S.I.V.
Ms. Dias P.A.M.D.
Mr. Godigamuwa M.P.S.
Ms. Mekala De Silva Soriyaarachchige
Ms. Darshini Senevirathna H.R.H.
Ms. Dharmarathna E.K.G.P.U.
Ms. Shifa M.T.N.
Mrs. G. Joy Magallan Krishanthan
Ms. Darshini Xavier
Ms. Deraniyagala D.N.L.
Ms. Somarathna A.B.K.S.
Ms.  Yassasiri Hitinayake. M.
Mr. Seevaratnam S.
Mrs. Wasnthamala Dunuweera M.M.
Mrs. Seetha Dissanayake. H.H.M.K.
Mrs  Sri Ranjan E.J.
Mrs. Nanda Sunil Shantha
Mr. Nandasena T.Y.G.
Mrs. Wijeyaratne W.B.S.S.K.P.
Mr. Somasiri W.S.M.
Mrs. Roshelle Chandrakumar M.A.
Ms. Azafa Khaleel
Mr. Gamini Senarathna
Mrs. Ama Weerasinghe
Mr. MPS Godigamuwa
Ms. TDK Samanthi
Ms. Darshani Seneviratne
Ms. Udeshika Prasadi Darmaratne
Ms. Shiromani Rathnadiwakara
Ms. Dharshini Xavier

We are now blessed to have the services of:

Rev. Fr. Shelton Samadanam
Mr. Rukshan Galanga
Ms. Ruth Wijesinghe
Ms. Dhanujana Ratnayake
Mr. Amaranath Balasuriya
Ms. Dhananjali Bulathsinhala
Mr. Wasantha Udaya Kumara
Mr. Kapila Waidyathilake
Mr. Eranda Rajapathirana
Ms. Rasika Weerasooriya
Ms. Vaishalani Priyantha Addakalai
Mr. Gemunu Weerasooriya
Ms. Prashika Sinnappa
Ms. Jayanthini Vasanthakumar
Ms. A.D. Nareshkumar Andrew
Ms. Jayakanthy Ganeshan
Ms. M.B.J.M. Maheeka Jayasekara
Ms. Manori P. Wijerathna
Ms. H.M.A. Shadini Bohahalanda
Ms. Rukshini S. Anketell
Mr. Janeeth Abeyratne

May I also note with appreciation the members of the administration staff who left us and the ones who joined during 2020 and 2021.

The years 2020 and 2021 saw some critical upgrades in the Trinity College management structure. Following the Board mandated TCK Operations Manual, we have introduced multiple layers of school management in order to decentralize decision making and empower academic departments. The College Executive Council (CEC) remains the apex administrative body responsible for all operations under the guidance of the Board of Governors. The College Management Team, with a broad frame of reference provides the platform for participatory interventions in all school processes. The Sports Council, TCK Grants Committee, TCK Awards Committee, Professional Standards and Ethics Committee are some of the critical formal fora that engage in the day-to-day operations of the College. With the able assistance of all these formal bodies, we were able to implement the new finance system, completely revamp the student information to “a single source of truth”, initiate the highly complex restoration of chapel murals, structural modifications of Trinity extensions at Asgiriya, Pallekele Rugby grounds and William Sinnathamby Trinity College Farm.   

The year 2021 was the preparatory year for the great jubilee of this great seat of learning and erudition – the T150 Sesquicentennial Anniversary Year of Trinity College. At the launch of the anniversary celebrations on the 19th of August 2021, we proclaimed the vision of our celebration in the face of a global crisis as “DUC IN ALTUM – EXPLORING VISTAS OF EXCELLENCE”, which will be based on four pillars: Celebrate the Past; Map the Future; Service to Humanity; Care for our Common Home. All activities during this anniversary year will attempt to capture the noble essence of this vision for Trinity. The Advisory and Oversight Committee of the T150 Infrastructure Initiative continue to support us with their expertise in all construction ventures. The T150 History Project is almost nearing its completion and will give the Trinity Family few publications of perennial value. With the establishment of the Student Task Force, we intend to transmit the humanistic vision of T150 College Celebration to the lives of our students.


“If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labor” says the Psalmist in the Bible. The growth of the Trinity edifice is the work of God, and we are His unworthy instruments. Our task and mission are to work for the expansion of His Kingdom trusting in His providence. I thank God Almighty for giving us a spirit of discernment in all our decision made solely for the wellbeing of our children. So, I pray – Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus [May God be Glorified in Everything].

I wish to note my sentiments of appreciation to the Rt. Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo – the chairman of the Board of Governors and all the Board members for their commitment to Trinity and the guidance they provide in steering the destinies of our beloved alma mater. May I also recall with gratitude the services of Rt. Rev. Dhiloraj Kanagasabai – bishop emiretus of Colombo and Mr. Nimal Cooke, who served as the Manager of Trinity College till 2021. My heartfelt thanks to Bishop Keerthi and Madam for gracing this occasion.

How can I forget the omnipresent availability of my colleagues in the CEC – the Vice Principal Mr. Krishanthan Antonydas, the Co-Vice Principal Mr. Ananda Marasinghe, the Head of Administration Mr. Ravi Amerasekara and the Finance Manager Mr. Rukshan Galanga. Trinity is blessed to have your services.

May I also express my sentiments of gratitude to

  1. The president and members of the TCK OBA, OBA Branches, Batches, Groups and affiliated Sports Bodies. We are blessed to have your expertise and co-operation.
  2. Madam. Deepika Nilanthi – Secretary to the Prize Committee and all the members of the staff assisted in organizing this event.
  3. The Staff Guild
  4. The Parent-Teacher Association
  5. Parents
  6. School Officers’ Guild, Prize Winners and young Trinitians

Trinity College Kandy is a celebration of diversity. It is a community of learning, animated from its origins by the Christian vision of education and the perennial values of our nation. Trinity is dedicated to the pursuit and sharing of excellence, remaining within the traditions set forth by her pioneers and a specific and time-tested set of core values. Among the many distinctive features of Trinity, one important hallmark is to create and sustain an ethos of diversity and quality of purpose. All aspects of life at Trinity strive to provide a series of formative experiences that illumine the human, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and professional aptitudes of the child. The historical trajectories of Trinity over one and a half centuries, at times against formidable counter trends, portray an authentic commitment to a model of education that inspires and empowers the  Trinitian to blossom into a ‘Christ-like character’ by his wholesome pursuit of wisdom and virtue. We should never ever deviate from this sublime path.

Respice Finem

Rev. Fr. Araliya Jayasundara OSB

29th April 2022

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  • Announcing the Trinity College Basketball Team Leadership for 2025! 🏀 

We are proud to introduce Master P.B. Machchagama as the Captain of the Trinity College Basketball Team, with Master L.S.T. Jayasinghe as the Vice Captain. With their leadership, determination, and passion for the game, the team is ready to take on new challenges and reach greater heights this season. Let’s bring the heat to the court! 

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  • 📣 Calling all young Trinity entrepreneurs!

If you're into tech and dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur, the Trinity College Technopreneurship Club invites you to join a community of forward-thinking, enthusiastic techies!

⚠️ Warning: This might just be the coolest club in school.

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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  • We are pleased to announce that we now accept online donations via VISA and Mastercard for the Chapel Restoration Project Fund.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to those who have already contributed to this important initiative. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and plays a vital role in helping us achieve our goal.

To make a donation, please visit

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    4 days ago
Announcing the Trinity College Basketball Team Leadership for 2025! 🏀 

We are proud to introduce Master P.B. Machchagama as the Captain of the Trinity College Basketball Team, with Master L.S.T. Jayasinghe as the Vice Captain. With their leadership, determination, and passion for the game, the team is ready to take on new challenges and reach greater heights this season. Let’s bring the heat to the court! 

#TrinityCollegeLK #BasketballLeadership #TrinityBasketball2025 #LionsPride #HoopsExcellence #TrinitySports
Announcing the Trinity College Basketball Team Leadership for 2025! 🏀 

We are proud to introduce Master P.B. Machchagama as the Captain of the Trinity College Basketball Team, with Master L.S.T. Jayasinghe as the Vice Captain. With their leadership, determination, and passion for the game, the team is ready to take on new challenges and reach greater heights this season. Let’s bring the heat to the court! 

#TrinityCollegeLK #BasketballLeadership #TrinityBasketball2025 #LionsPride #HoopsExcellence #TrinitySports
Announcing the Trinity College Basketball Team Leadership for 2025! 🏀 We are proud to introduce Master P.B. Machchagama as the Captain of the Trinity College Basketball Team, with Master L.S.T. Jayasinghe as the Vice Captain. With their leadership, determination, and passion for the game, the team is ready to take on new challenges and reach greater heights this season. Let’s bring the heat to the court! #TrinityCollegeLK #BasketballLeadership #TrinityBasketball2025 #LionsPride #HoopsExcellence #TrinitySports
1 day ago
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📣 Calling all young Trinity entrepreneurs!

If you're into tech and dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur, the Trinity College Technopreneurship Club invites you to join a community of forward-thinking, enthusiastic techies!

⚠️ Warning: This might just be the coolest club in school.

Join the squad today! Apply now at

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📣 Calling all young Trinity entrepreneurs!

If you're into tech and dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur, the Trinity College Technopreneurship Club invites you to join a community of forward-thinking, enthusiastic techies!

⚠️ Warning: This might just be the coolest club in school.

Join the squad today! Apply now at

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📣 Calling all young Trinity entrepreneurs! If you're into tech and dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur, the Trinity College Technopreneurship Club invites you to join a community of forward-thinking, enthusiastic techies! ⚠️ Warning: This might just be the coolest club in school. Join the squad today! Apply now at #trinitycollegelk #TrinityCollege #TechEntrepreneurs #Innovation #FutureLeaders #TechClub #JoinTheSquad #tech #robotics #3dprinting #design #trinity #college #kandy #srilanka
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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

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මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

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Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #MuhurathUlela2025 #Blessings #Tradition #CulturalHeritage #SriLanka
මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

Full photo album:

Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #MuhurathUlela2025 #Blessings #Tradition #CulturalHeritage #SriLanka
මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

Full photo album:

Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #MuhurathUlela2025 #Blessings #Tradition #CulturalHeritage #SriLanka
මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025

Full photo album:

Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #MuhurathUlela2025 #Blessings #Tradition #CulturalHeritage #SriLanka
මුහුරත් උලෙල 2025 Full photo album: Photographed by Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit #TrinityCollegeLK #MuhurathUlela2025 #Blessings #Tradition #CulturalHeritage #SriLanka
4 days ago
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We are pleased to announce that we now accept online donations via VISA and Mastercard for the Chapel Restoration Project Fund.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to those who have already contributed to this important initiative. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and plays a vital role in helping us achieve our goal.

To make a donation, please visit

#Trinitycollegelk #chapel #restorationproject #ChapelRestoration #DonateNow #SupportOurHeritage #Gratitude
We are pleased to announce that we now accept online donations via VISA and Mastercard for the Chapel Restoration Project Fund. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to those who have already contributed to this important initiative. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and plays a vital role in helping us achieve our goal. To make a donation, please visit #Trinitycollegelk #chapel #restorationproject #ChapelRestoration #DonateNow #SupportOurHeritage #Gratitude
4 days ago
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