Sealed tenders are invited from reputed and experienced suppliers to operate the following units in the premises of Trinity College:
- Books, stationery, and School Supplies Shops in the College
- Memorabilia/ souvenir outlet
Tender forms could be obtained from the Purchasing Officer during office hours for a fee of Rs. 1,000 each between October 13th and 21st, 2022.
Suppliers who have registered with the College may also submit tenders.
Enquiries/ Information pertaining to the above tenders can be obtained by calling 081-2222089 or 081-2232708 (ext. no 24) during office hours or by email to “”
Sealed tenders will be accepted up to 2.00 p.m. on October 21st and will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers.
The decision of the Tender Board shall be final and conclusive.