Reviewed by Rehan Anandakumar, Shahrukh Fairooz.
Trinitians, often known for their skills on the field, not only excel in sports but also in battles of the mind. A tournament where victory is not only measured by the points scored but the ability to turn logic into a compelling narrative. It is a battlefield where words yield as weapons, a single misstep could turn the tables.
This intense battle, the Inter House Debating Tournament organized by the Trinity College Literary Association, commenced on September 24th, 2024. All five houses from both the Middle and Upper Schools debated in 2 preliminary rounds. The motions for both rounds were given to the houses a week before the preliminary rounds. The mentors, unanimously appointed for each house by the organizers, assisted the teams in their efforts to win the debate.
The motions and the draw for the 2 preliminary rounds were as follows;
Middle School
Round 01: This house regrets the rise of social media influence.
- Saunders (proposition) vs Gibson (opposition)
- Squealery (proposition) vs Pilcher (opposition)
Round 02: This house believes that single sex schools are more effective.
- Gibson (prop) vs Squealery (op)
- Pilcher (prop) vs Sahayam (op)
Round 03: This house believes that the expanded use of artificial intelligence will be beneficial for humanity
- Sahayam (Proposition) vs Saunders (Opposition)
Upper School
Round 01: This house believes that students should be placed in classes based on academic abilities instead of age.
- Oorloff (Proposition) vs Central Boarding House (Opposition)
- Simithraaratchy (Proposition) vs Lemuel (Opposition)
Round 02: This house would deny organ transplants to patients who are living unhealthy lives.
- Central Boarding House (Proposition) vs Simithraaratchy (Opposition)
- Lemuel (Proposition) vs Garret (Opposition)
Round 03: This house as a high achieving student, would choose to pursue a high-paying career path that is associated with poor ethics as opposed to a stable career with moderate pay that allows for greater impact.
- Garret (Proposition) vs Oorloff (Opposition)
The preliminary rounds concluded with the results of:
Middle school
- Saunders – 2 wins
- Squealery – 2 wins
- Sahayam – 1 win
- Gibson – 0 wins
- Pilcher – 0 wins
Thus, paving the way for Saunders and Squelary to the finals.
Upper school
- Garret – 2 wins
- Central Boarding Houses – 2 wins
- Lemuel – 1 win
- Oorlooff – 0 wins
- Simithraaratchy – 0 wins
Garret and Central Boarding House entered the finals
The Middle School finals were held on the 02nd of October 2024 during the morning assembly.
The motion for the finals was: This house believes that video games have done more harm than good.
With proposition bringing up arguments on the adverse effects that video games have on our lives and on how they have affected our productivity. This was countered well by the opposition by highlighting the benefits that video games have helped individuals to think strategically. This was an impromptu debate: Competitors were given the motion 30 minutes prior to the finals. The round was adjudicated by Master Sadesh Rajapaksha and Master Pavara Rambukwella. After a heated debate, Squealery managed to win the debate and Master Dilith Halahakoon of Saunders was awarded best speaker.
Following the heat of the Middle School Finals, the Upper School finals were held on the 4th of October 2024 during the morning assembly. This was an impromptu debate as well. This round was adjudicated by Past Trinity Debaters, Master Abidh Jameel, Master Jayageeth Basnayake, Master Pavara Rambukwella and Master Sadesh Rajapaksha.
The motion was: “This house as an individual would quit social media.”
On side proposition we had Central Boarding House and on side opposition we had Garret House. Both houses with skilled debaters brought up interesting and thought-provoking arguments to support their substantives. The debate got intense during the 2nd and 3rd speeches pushing both teams to their best and leaving the audience anticipating the verdict. With a close margin, the debate went to Central Boarding House. Master Navindu Karunarathna of Garret House was awarded the best speaker of the tournament.
We are grateful to the Principal, Father Araliya Jayasundara, Vice- principal Mr.Krishanthan Anthonydas, Co-vice principal Mr. Ananda Marasinghe, Mrs. Fathima Majeed the Teacher in Charge for Trinity College Debating and all the faculty members who made this event a reality.
Further, we congratulate the winners for a job well done.