With the ever-increasing online presence of Trinitians world over, the Trinitian will provide the ideal platform for an interactive relationship between the wider Trinity family and the day-to-day events of College.
Providing Easy and Instant access to information related to College
Enhancing Trinity product promotions and monetization
To promote global outreach on all aspects of Trinity
Promoting interactivity with old boys and well-wishers
Assuring sustainability of all content related to College
Providing recognition and visibility for ‘champions’ (staff and students) of the College
To function as a resource to relive and refresh childhood memories
To perpetuate and promote Trinity Culture and Traditions among the current students
Mobilize the larger Trinity community to focus on critical areas influencing Trinity at present
To unify all the stakeholders by providing accurate and up-to-date information about Trinity activities
Sharing the Trinity Story with others
Inspire the current students to live and embrace the Trinity ethos wholeheartedly
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