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Photography: Visual Storytelling beyond the lens | 13 August 2021

Join the webinar on 13 August 2021 at 04.30pm

Photography - Visual Storytelling beyond the lens is a webinar on creating and depicting stories through whatever the tool you use, whether it be a mobile phone or a high end , camera. The webinar is focused on making clear that it's always about the photographer and not the tool. Elaborating on still imagery that enhance and portray seamless stories of the world without barriers or convention, A photographer is meant to capture memories in stills, creating Magic with the Shutter.

The speaker for the evening will be Rishkhan Rahan. He is a Multimedia Specialist, who has been in the creative industry for over 7 Years. Creating content, capturing photographs, recording & editing videos for local and global brands like KIA, Big Bad Wolf Books, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Perera & Sons, Warner Bros. and Ceramic Pro, to name a few of the brands. He qualified at Kingston University London, UK in BSc (Hons) Multimedia Technology - First Class



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