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Xpanse '22 - Auditions

Xpanse '22 is a talent-based music concert organized by the Media Unit of Trinity College, Kandy. The auditions for said event is to take place on the 26th of March at the College Main Hall from 10:00 am onwards.

Pre registrations for Auditions are open and any current Trinitian or alumni graduating between the years of 2019-22 are allowed admission. Once a participant registers via the online form available below, a confirmation mail with the relevant participant ID will be sent. Performances can include singing or music compositions, as a Solo, Duo or Band performance. All performances will be judged by a judicated judging panel.

For additional information competitors may contact tcmu@trinitycollege.lk or any committee members of the TCMU.


Any current Trinitian or alumni graduating between the years of 2019-22 are allowed admission.
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