Branding Property Usage Guidelines For Public Reference

Trinity College brand properties, brand features, insignia and trademarks are protected by law.

Trinity College generally prefers to carry out its own branding activities considering it is a charitable, educational institution with a vibrant history and cherished traditions, which should be preserved, and prevail for the future.

These branding elements we use to represent Trinity College enable us to establish and maintain a clear, unified brand identity, both within the College community and beyond.

However, as Trinity has a vast stakeholder base, and we appreciate the enthusiasm they show in promoting Trinity College ‘brand’ at various forums, events, and locations we are sharing herewith some concise and specific exceptions on using Trinity brand propositions. We developed these to both improve consistency and reduce confusion associated with various stakeholders using College insignia.

This guide is a ready reckoner for designers, business partners, stakeholders, and anyone who is audio- visually reproducing Trinity College material for online, offline, in print or in person use.

For any other uses, the user must obtain prior approval from the Principal of Trinity College by mailing to Secretary (Administration) on

The following Trinity brand properties are open for 3rd party use upon approval.

1. The College name
2. The College Crest - The primary asset of Trinity College branding
3. Trinity College Flag
4. Tri-tone College color palette
5. College Anthem & College Hymn

The approved versions of the above properties will be shared upon receiving the approval from the College. 

When using the above no modifications should be done to the given content.

Trinity Crest and other insignia are now copyright material and are prohibited to be used in material unrelated to Trinity College Kandy. All approved uses also includes royalty payments. Hence, without expressed permission you are kindly requested to refrain from illegal use of Trinity College branding properties


When used in the script, the full name of the institute should be written as Trinity College Kandy. In the event, it is compulsory to use a shortened form it should be written as TCK. When referring to extended properties of the College, it should be written as detailed in the following examples.

Eg: Trinity College Kandy, International Advanced Levels / TCK ILAs

       Trinity College Kandy, Asgiriya International Stadium / TCK – AIS

       Trinity College Kandy, Pallekele Rugby Stadium / TCK – PRS

       Trinity College Kandy, William Sinnathamby Farm / TCK – WSF


The College crest is considered one of the most revered properties of the institution and we expect anyone who’s using the same to use it with dignity and respect to the institute. With the standard Crest we have also given the variations a user can adopt. Please see below the usage instructions to various stakeholders.

A] Crest for Use by the present internal Trinity College community

The Management has identified the authorized personnel to use the College Crest. Such personnel may use the Crest on approved content as per the instructions given by the management with approval.

B] Crest for Use by 3rd party partners such as sponsors, service suppliers, donors, etc..

If you have a long or short-term or situational agreement with Trinity College Kandy, that agreement should cover the guidelines for the use of the College crest on need bases. If this aspect is not covered in the agreement, and nevertheless you need to use the College Crest for official or commercial purpose please contact Trinity College by mailing to Secretary (Administration) on with your request stating the reasons for the use. Once approved, you will be given access to download the crest and use the College crest in accordance with the specifications that are shared with you.

C] Crest for Use by the Media

The College crest may be downloaded for use in reporting on Trinity College matters.  This crest may not be altered, combined with other marks or used in a misleading manner. The use of the crest is subject to your compliance with the guidelines and specifications.

D] Crest on manufacture items / or sellable items by third parties

Trinity College does not permit the use of its crest on manufactured products (T-shirts, packaging, other memorabilia) done for distribution or commercial purposes. If you wish to use the Trinity crest on manufactured items for special reasons, please contact Trinity College by mailing to Secretary (Administration) on

E] Specific or special requirements 

If there are any special or very specific requirements from the media/NGO/welfare organizations, etc.. where the Trinity College crest needs to be used for a specific purpose, please contact Trinity College by mailing to Secretary (Administration) on 


The College flag must be used with respect, dignity, integrity and pride. Other than at official College initiated events/ceremonies, we recommend this property to be used only at official and formal forums such as Church of Ceylon events [that have a semblance to its education products], OBA events, OBA Chapter events, PTA events, and official charity/fundraising events sanctioned by the College. Further to this please note the following;

  1. The College flag is strictly not permitted to be used as attire, part of the attire, cape, cloak, bandana, etc.. nor as an accessorized item [Handkerchiefs, Bags, Duffels, Waist pouches, Table décor, Sweat bands, etc..] by any 3rd Party.
  2. The flag can be printed on properties such as T-Shirts, Caps, Mugs, etc.. which are produced for private circulation and not for commercial/merchandising purposes.
  3. No distortion should be done to the College flag, and you will be given access to download the approved image of the College flag.


Given below are the Pantone references of the tri-color branding of Trinity College.

              Trinity Red – Pantone no. 1788 C

              Trinity Yellow – Pantone no. 7404 C

              Trinity Blue – Pantone no. 2768 C


Other than the above Pantone shades no other shade is permitted to be used as colors to represent Trinity College on print, online, offline, AV or any other content.

Given below are the general conditions we do not allow with regard to the use of Trinity College brand properties.

  1. Using the Trinity College name in a manner that implies or indicates that we are in a commercial/business / philanthropic type partnership/alliance/affiliation of any other institute or indicates/implies that we are a part of a commercial offer.
  2. Use our brand properties more prominently than your product, service name, offer, cause, etc..
  3. Use our brand properties on promotional materials that you are distributing, selling or publishing on behalf of your product/service offers.
  4. Modify our brand properties or combine them with any other symbols, words, images, designs, or incorporate them into a slogan, of any sort.
  5. Use our brand properties in a way that implies affiliation with or endorsement by Trinity College of your products or services.
  6. Use of our brand properties in a manner that would create any ambiguity of its charitable status and its core purpose of existence, which are academic services.

For permission requests, and further details, please contact Trinity College by mailing to Secretary (Administration) on