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College at a glance

Regular School Day of a Trinitian 

The formal academic activity of a Trinitian begins at 7:25 a.m. with the first bell beckoning the students and staff either to the Assembly in the College Main Hall or to the Religious Service according to one’s faith. However, a regular day for most of the Trinitians dawns before the sun. The Asgiriya Grounds and the College Swimming Pool become busy as early as 5:30 a.m. regularly as students begin their warmup before starting their sports practices.  



The Upper School staff and students meet regularly on Mondays and Fridays at the Hallowed College Hall for the morning assembly, while the Middle School staff and students gather on Wednesdays for the Middle School Assembly.  


Religious Service 

Trinity, though a Christian School built on the Anglican traditions, exemplifies an inclusive outlook towards religious faith of students. At Trinity, all the major religions in Sri Lanka are given importance and students belonging to the different religions have their religious societies such as the Buddhist Students’ Movement, the Students Christian Movement, the Hindu Students’ Movement, and the Islamic Students’ Movement to organize religious observances and special days. Accordingly on Tuesdays and Thursdays Trinitians gather in their different allocated places for religious observance and worship at 7:30 a.m.   


Academic Schedule 

The classroom teaching learning activity is governed by a regular timetable which comprises eight periods intermediated by two intervals, the short morning break, and the lunch break at noon. With the last bell call at 2:20 p.m. students and staff complete the day’s formal academic activities only to begin their co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.  


Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular Activities 

Trinity College Kandy aspires to produce all-round, balanced personalities. Hence, education at Trinity is designed to promote academic, emotional, and physical excellence among the students. To achieve this objective, Trinity College Kandy offers 50 Cocurricular Clubs and Societies and 20 Sports and Games for the students to develop and harness their physical and soft skills.  


Examination Schedule 

Regular Examinations at Trinity College, Kandy are scheduled in accordance with the academic directives and policies of the Ministry of Education. At the end of every term, the students face a Summative Examination to measure their growth in the expected academic competencies. In addition, students also undergo two Formative Assessments before every Summative Assessment to facilitate excellence in academics.   

Having been trained in their academic endeavour, Trinitians undergo two major National Qualification Examinations known as G. C. E. Ordinary Level Examination and G. C. E. Advanced Level Examination to obtain the mandatory National Certification in Education. The students who pursue the International Advanced Level Programme sit for their Edexcel Examination to obtain their International Certification.   


School Vacations 

Sri Lankan Educational calendar is tripartite. The year is divided into three terms, and at the end of every term, the students get a vacation for a month. Trinity College, Kandy also follows the national policy with the exception to the International Advanced Level students, whose academic calendar differs from the National system.  


Parents’ Meetings 

Parents are our valued customers, and they are considered the important stakeholders of the school, second only to their children. Trinity College Kandy has a highly active and supportive Parents Teachers Association that has a representative at the College Board of Governors. Parents Teachers Association meetings are held regularly. In addition to this, every term, Open Days for parents are organized to facilitate communication and interaction between the parents and the school.  


Absence from School 

Students are expected to maintain at least 80% of school attendance throughout an academic year for eligibility to sit for examinations and for college representation in Sports and Games. In the event of being absent from school, students are expected to communicate with their class teachers and to produce an excuse letter on returning to school. Absenteeism due to ailment requires a medical certificate or a medical recommendation for leave. For overseas travel, students are expected to obtain prior permission from school by fulfilling policy requirements.   

Continuous absenteeism for more than 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) from school without proper notification or permission will lead to automatic removal from school roll.