Trinity College celebrates 150 years with ‘Trinity 150’

On the 17th of May 2018 Trinity College officially launched ‘Trinity 150’, a project aimed at celebrating 150 years of Trinity in 2022.  The primary aim of the project is to improve the ailing infrastructure of the school by renovating historical buildings such as Napier and Allison, and through the construction of two state-of-the-art  classroom blocks – one for Science (containing 13 Laboratories) and one for Commerce (also containing a large Common Room for A Level students), a new Kitchen/ Dining Hall complex and a large Multi-purpose Sports Hall at Asgiriya.  All of the above facilities once completed will meet the modern days needs of an academy combined with facilities for other extra-curricular activities, whilst maintaining the core-values upon which Trinity was built by its forefathers and preserved ever since.

The event was held at the Water’s Edge Hotel under the distinguished patronage of the Lord Bishop of Colombo, the Lord Bishop of Kurunegala and other representatives of Board of Governors, Members of the old boys Associations and Trinitians.

The event commenced with a blessing by the Bishop of Colombo followed by presentation of the project by the Principal Mr. Andrew Fowler-Watt. A 3D presentation of the master plan of the proposed development was made by renowned architect Mr. Channa Daswatta, an old boy of the school, supported by Chartered Architect Ms. Rangaji Jayasekera. Thereafter the event was addressed by two old boys who have been consented to be ambassadors of this project, Mr. Kumar Sangakkara and Mr. Dilip Kumar.

Mr. Kumar Sangakkara in his presentation cherished the many memories at Trinity and attributed many of his successes in life to the experience he had at Trinity. He called upon all Trinitians both here and abroad to give maximum support and contribution for the T150 Project. Mr. Dilip Kumar, reminiscing on his life at Trinity recalled his greatest lesson at Trinity was the gift of sharing, and appealed to Trinitians to give their all to ensure success of this project. He travelled all the way from Australia to Sri Lanka to be at this event.

The event was attended by old boys representing batches from 1955 to 2017. All information relating to the project can be accessed on website The method of raising funds from old boys and other well-wishers towards the above project will be co-ordinated by a batch leader that has been identified for each batch. Contributions can be made directly to (Bank details – Hatton National Bank, Account Number 018010662307 – Trinity College Kandy)

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More images are available on the College Fickr album of the event.






Trinity College Kandy

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  • 🌐🔬 Science Day of Trinity College Kandy – INVICTA ’25 | Video by Damsith Liyanage for Trinity College Media Unit
    2 days ago
  • ත්‍රිත්ව විද්‍යාලයීය බෞද්ධ ශිෂ්‍ය සංගමය විසින් වාර්ෂිකව සංවිධානය කරනු ලබන සර්ව රාත්‍රික පිරිත් සජ්ඣායනය සහ සපිරිකර සංඝගත දක්ෂිණාව 50 වන වරටත් බු.ව. 2569ක්වූ මැදින් මස 8 වැනි ශනිදින සහ 9 වැනි ඉරුදින ත්‍රිත්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ප්‍රධාන ශාලාවේදී පනස් නමක් උදෙසා පැවැත්වේ. 

•2025.03.08 අපරභාග 8.00 සිට 11.00 දක්වා - මහ පිරිත
•2025.03.08 අපරභාග 8.00 සිට 2025.03.09 දින පුර්වභාග 6.00 දක්වා - සර්ව රාත්‍රික පරිත්‍රාණ දේශනාව
•2025.03.09 පූර්වභාග 10.00 සිට අපරභාග 2.00 දක්වා - සංඝගත දක්ෂිණාව 

ත්‍රිත්ව ඉතිහාසයේ 50 වන වරටත් සංවිධානය වන මේකී පිංකමට සපැමිණ, ඊට දායක වන මෙන් ඔබ සැමට අප ගෞරව පූර්වකව ආරාධනා කර සිටිමු....!


එම්.ඒ.එම්.දිසානායක මයා - 075 335 6425
වාසනා දිසානායක මයා - 077 643 0679
    2 days ago
  • Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
    2 days ago
  • Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
    3 days ago
🌐🔬 Science Day of Trinity College Kandy – INVICTA ’25 | Video by Damsith Liyanage for Trinity College Media Unit
1 day ago
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ත්‍රිත්ව විද්‍යාලයීය බෞද්ධ ශිෂ්‍ය සංගමය විසින් වාර්ෂිකව සංවිධානය කරනු ලබන සර්ව රාත්‍රික පිරිත් සජ්ඣායනය සහ සපිරිකර සංඝගත දක්ෂිණාව 50 වන වරටත් බු.ව. 2569ක්වූ මැදින් මස 8 වැනි ශනිදින සහ 9 වැනි ඉරුදින ත්‍රිත්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ප්‍රධාන ශාලාවේදී පනස් නමක් උදෙසා පැවැත්වේ. •2025.03.08 අපරභාග 8.00 සිට 11.00 දක්වා – මහ පිරිත •2025.03.08 අපරභාග 8.00 සිට 2025.03.09 දින පුර්වභාග 6.00 දක්වා – සර්ව රාත්‍රික පරිත්‍රාණ දේශනාව •2025.03.09 පූර්වභාග 10.00 සිට අපරභාග 2.00 දක්වා – සංඝගත දක්ෂිණාව ත්‍රිත්ව ඉතිහාසයේ 50 වන වරටත් සංවිධානය වන මේකී පිංකමට සපැමිණ, ඊට දායක වන මෙන් ඔබ සැමට අප ගෞරව පූර්වකව ආරාධනා කර සිටිමු….! විමසීම් එම්.ඒ.එම්.දිසානායක මයා – 075 335 6425 වාසනා දිසානායක මයා – 077 643 0679
1 day ago
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Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 

A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele.

📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
Inter-House Rugby Tournament 2025 🏉 A thrilling day of rugby action as the U12, U14 & U16 teams battled it out at the Trinity College Rugby Stadium, Pallekele. 📸 Moments of passion, teamwork, and sportsmanship from the future Lions! Full photo album: Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake, Senul Thilakaratne and Punsilu Jayasinghe for Trinity College Media Unit #TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseRugby2025 #TCKRugby #SchoolRugby #RugbyTradition #LionsPride #FutureLions #TeamSpirit #RugbyExcellence #DisciplineThroughRugby #JuniorRugby #HousePride #TCKSports
1 day ago
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Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀

Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! 

Full photo album:

Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit 

#TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
Highlights from the Inter House Basketball Tournament 2025! 🏀 Intense action, sportsmanship, and unforgettable moments at the Quadrangle on 3rd and 4th March. Congratulations to all teams for their incredible efforts! Full photo album: Photographed by Sathnidu Dissanayake & Kavilas Aamalraj for Trinity College Media Unit #TrinityCollegeLK #InterHouseBasketball #TrinitySports #GameOn #BasketballThrills #ChampionsInTheMaking #UnforgettableMoments #TrinityPride #Sportsmanship #TeamSpirit
2 days ago
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