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T150 First-Day Cover - Commemorative Edition

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T150 First-Day Cover - Commemorative Edition

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T150 First-Day Cover - Commemorative Edition

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T150 First-Day Cover - Commemorative Edition

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The focus of the stamp is the world-renowned Chapel of Trinity College, where the journey of a Trinitian begins and ends! The path of a Trinitian is carved by the lessons and values learned at Trinity. The values of a Trinitian emanate from the ‘Heart of Trinity’ – the Chapel. It stands to date as a stark reminder to all Trinitians that their lives ought to be shaped after the example of Christ and lived as a transforming presence in the world. The Chapel also stands as a testimony of the idea “unity in diversity” which Trinity strongly propagates, with Kandyan architecture and artifacts flawlessly blending with Christianity, emulating how the universal principles of humanity can dwell side-by-side in harmony.

Through his painting Pulasthi brings to life the Quadrangle – a space of congregation for Trinitians. He carefully depicts the place with energy, vitality and competition; joy and laughter. The cascading corridors of the Napier building and the evocative dining hall, with their quintessential architecture reverberating the manifold memories of the joys of a Trinitian’s childhood is juxtaposed in Pulasthi’s painting, reminding the owner of the FDC that life should be lived in its fullness encountering head-on its high calling and the deep anguish.


The painting of the chapel that has been transformed into a stamp, was drawn by Mr. Pulasthi Handunge, who also happens to be a past pupil of Trinity College of the batch of 2014. Pursuing a career in Architecture, Pulasthi engages in painting as it is his passion and has his own unique style where he highlights the depth of the object with a minimum use of colour. The painting in the stamp has been carefully articulated giving meticulous attention to its depth which is a significant attribute of the Trinity Chapel, and details of the chapel and the life that surrounds it. For example, the two choristers at the Southern entrance are a testament to Pulasthi’s eye for detail. Being the enthusiastic old boy he is, Pulasthi volunteered to conduct an art appreciation workshop for the Trinity students, in order to add value to the First-day Cover project.


Among the contributors to these postcard drawings is Ms. Manjula Samaratunga. She is attached to the Middle School, and is the present Teacher-in-Charge of the Art Circle at Trinity College, and has been with the College since 2011. An ardent fan of water-colour paintings, she attends workshops to upskill herself and conducts periodic art exhibitions. The theme of her painting is “The beauty of nature at Trinity College” where she has captured the lustrous greenery in the College as seen from the AJ block.

Another contributor for the postcard collection, Mr. Rasanga Dissanayake is also a past pupil of Trinity College, from the Batch of 1995. A photographer by profession, Mr. Dissanayake blends art with new trends, focusing on human emotions, to create unique captures. The collage he has contributed to the postcard collection is themed, “A cross section of Trinity College – past, present and future.”

It’s not only the adults and past pupils who contributed to the First-day Cover project with their creative skills. The project was conducted as a competition open to all art enthusiastic students who were invited to make their contributions by providing paintings for the postcards.

Master Charith Ekanayake is one such student who took part in the competition. He is a grade 11 student at Trinity College and has been an enthusiastic painter from his childhood. With a painting style slightly influenced by the characters of the famous cartoon series “The Simpsons”, he has brought to life the love Trinity has for sports and, his painting is termed as, “A tribute to Trinity Sports.”

Another student who contributed to the postcard collections is Master Menath Kahapola. A grade 10 student Menath’s painting is inspired by the historic milestones and novelties the College is enjoying today, and is themed, “Trinity in a Nut-Shell.”

Last but not the least of the student contributors is Master Ravidu Manthrinayake, the youngest of them all. At just 10 years old, Ravidu’s imaginations has wondered back 100 years in time, to the period when the Chapel was being constructed. He has captured the magnificent stone pillars of the Chapel and has themed his painting as, “The Chapel under constructions.”

T150 First Day Cover Folder- Trinity College Kandy Special Commemorative Edition

This is a unique artifact that commemorates and immortalizes a momentous occasion of Trinity College Kandy – T150 Sesquicentennial Anniversary [1872 – 2022]. We are glad to have you on board with us in our journey ‘exploring vistas of excellence’. This memento embodies the collective fervour of every Trinitian to celebrate the glorious past, map the future, serve humanity and diligent care of our common home. Thank you for partnering with the TCK Co-curricular Activities Enrichment Initiative. Respice Finem.

This historic First-day Cover is a product that has been painstakingly crafted by a selected group of imaginative individuals mostly consisting of passionate Trinitians and few committed non-Trinitians, present and past students, who have meticulously worked around-the-clock over the last few months to create unique memorabilia, celebrating the crossing of yet another milestone in the long and resplendent history of Trinity College.