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Colours & Lion Awards

Sports play an integral part in the life of a Trinitian and sports occupy a central place in the Trinity education model. The sports programme of Trinty is designed to encourage a rich and diverse experience for the students. Currently, Trinity College provides equitable opportunities for students to indulge in 17 sports. In this post-T150 era of Trinity College, there is renewed emphasis on equitability, excellence, teamwork, and camaraderie. We greatly encourage students to honour the values of perseverance, sportsmanship, and healthy competition in line with the rich traditions of Trinity College. Sports at Trinity come within the purview of the Trinity College Sports’ Council and are managed efficiently by the College Sports Management Unit.

Trinity College Awards: Colours & Lions symbolize pride, determination, and the values each Trinitian is expected to uphold. They represent the singular honour and recognition bestowed upon the recipient by the school and thus, no sense of entitlement. These awards are based on many criteria, such as [elaborated below]: leadership, portrayal of Trinity values, general school life & discipline, excellence, achievements and recommendations from statutory bodies. The current process of awarding TCK Awards is given below:

    • Nominations from coaches and MICs of sports within the normative framework for TCK Awards [criteria]

    • Appraisal of nominations by technical committees of statutory old boy sports bodies

    • Evaluation of the appraised nominations by the Trinity College Awards Committee based on the criteria.

    • Final approval by the Principal

    • Students in the breach Trinity College Student Discipline or the policies contained in the Prevention of harassment and bullying of students, school fee arrears, lack of regular school attendance [less than 70%], continuous unsatisfactory academic achievement [annual academic average below 40%], will not be eligible for TCK Awards.

Performance Criteria for TCK Awards: Colours & Lions [2022 – 2025]

1. Discipline

The discipline of the student athlete must be at the highest level to be considered for TCK Colours and Lion. Any student in the breach of the Trinity College Student Discipline or the policies contained in the Prevention of harassment and bullying of students, will not be considered for TCK Awards: Colours or Lion. In the event of misconduct or breach of discipline the College will have all rights to revoke the TCK Award from a student athlete at any given time.

When awarding the College Lion for a sport or a game the student athlete needs to have exceptional level of discipline and needs to be a role model for other students in College.

2. Age Category

The Senior most age group of a sport will be considered for College Colours and Lion. However, exceptional performance in individual sports or games (Annex – 1) will be considered at the next lower age group level.

For example, an athlete breaking or equaling a record at the All-Island Schools’ Athletics Meet or in an individual event in the said meet with Meet Colours in the under 18 age group level will be considered for TCK Colours.

Significant performance in junior age groups will be considered for the special award category at the Annual Prize Giving.

In a Team Sport (Annex – 1) a student athlete who is of a Junior Age Group but represents the senior age can be considered for TCK Awards.

For example, student athlete from under 18 age group playing for 1st XV in Rugby Team.

Any other exceptional performance at an Internationally recognized meet [accredited by the National Sports’ Body of the sport] will be considered for TCK Awards at Lower Age Group Levels.

For example, a medal at the South Asian Games.

3. A New Sport

For a newly introduced sport or game TCK Colours and Lion will only be considered after 3 years. Until that period, exceptional student athletes will be considered for the Special Award category of the Annual Prize Giving.

4. National Representation

Student athletes representing Sri Lanka in recognized meets [accreditation or affiliation to national / international bodies, recommendations by sports ministry, performance justifying such representation and such performance representing Trinity College, etc.] will be considered. Commercially funded meets will not be considered (including privately organized tours even if they are organized by the governing bodies).

5. Awarding Timeline

TCK Colours and Lion will be awarded at the final assembly of the term upon which a particular sport or game completing its season.

6. Meets and Tournaments to be considered

TCK Colours and Lion will be only considered in All-Island level performance for individual sports and games. For team sports and games, All Island level performance and traditional encounter performance will be considered. All island Meets and Tournaments must be organized by the Ministries of Sports/ Education or governing bodies of various sports. Added to the above a minimum number of games participated for a given year / season and performance based on measurable criteria [eg. goals, runs, tries, points, etc.] will also be applicable. In the absence of either an official annual tournament or a national body, the coach and MIC, should submit official match reports, highlighting excellent performance / score sheets and attested by Prefect of Games / Director - Sports immediately after the match and submit those reports as evidence when nominating for awards

7. Recommendations

The nominations will be called by the Principal from the Coach and the MIC through the Sports Administration Unit and the same will be referred to the statutory old boy sports bodies for appraisal. The latter is required to forward the appraisal directly to the Principal. No nominations will be entertained by students, parents, staff [other than MIC], old boys or any other third party. All requests for reassessments / grievances / complaints should be directed in writing [under confidential cover] to the Principal.

It is the responsibility of the Master/ Teacher in Charge of the respective sport or game to compile the following documents and hand over to the Prefect of Games / Director of Sports at least 4 weeks Prior to the end of a term for TCK Awards: Colours and Lion with the recommendation and signature of the respective Head coach/ coach.

    • Name

    • Admission Number

    • Present Class

    • Age Group of the student athlete

    • List of achievements

    • Supporting documents (copies of certificates, letters, recommendation, etc.)

    • Recommendation from Sectional Head [discipline / academics / attendence]

8. TCK Awards Committee

The TCK Colours and Lion Committee will consist of the following.

    • Principal

    • Vice Principal

    • Co-Vice Principal

    • Prefect of Games / Director of Sports

    • Master/ Teacher in Charge of the respective sport

    • Head Coach of the respective sport

    • The Principal may co-opt a representative of the statutory old boys’ sports body with the consensus of the other members



    • Principal’s decision will be final in all matters related to TCK Awards.

    • MICs and coaches are strictly prohibited to discuss any confidential information related to TCK Awards with parents, students, old boys or any other party.

    • Incomplete or late applications will be rejected.

    • It is the sole responsibility of the respective Master/ Teacher in Charge and the Head Coach of the respective sport to identify and recommend the deserving student athletes for TCK Awards.

    • Trinity College Kandy reserves the right to amend these criteria without prior notice.

Annex – 1: Segregation of Sports and Games at Trinity College, Kandy

Sports and Games at Trinity College Kandy is divided into two categories.

Individual Sports and Games

    • Karate / Boxing

    • Badminton / Table Tennis /Tennis

    • Swimming

    • Athletics

    • Riffle-Shooting

    • Gymnastics

    • Chess

    • Weight-Lifting

Team Sports and Games

    • Rugger

    • Cricket

    • Basketball

    • Hockey

    • Soccer

    • Cadetting

According to the Nature of tournaments, meets and matches of Team Sports, they can be divided into two segments.

The tournaments, Meets and Matches related to the sports and games can be categorized into three.

    • Organized by the Ministry of Education

    • Organized by the respective governing body of the sport

    • Traditional Encounters