Careers and Higher Education Counsellor

Career development is a significant part of human development and it is the process that forms a person’s work identity. It continues as that person begins to explore occupations and ultimately decides what career to pursue. After you choose a profession, you must then get the required education and training.

It is important to note, for most individuals, career development occurs without any intervention from other people. There is no set age for when it will begin – some people will start to think about occupational choices very early in life, while others will not give this subject much thought until they are relatively close to having to decide how they will earn money.

While many individuals go through this process independently, almost everyone can benefit greatly from getting expert career guidance help from a career counsellor or other similarly a trained specialist.

The Careers and High Education Counsellor (CHEC) is there to help you with the following:
1. Provide self-assessment and self-awareness of individual skills, values, interests and personality traits. This is achieved through the administration of several tests:

  • Introducing you to Career Development
  • Helping you to do a self-assessment
  • Free career tests

2. Provide training and coaching sessions/workshops (individually and/or in groups) for writing and editing CVs and cover letters and handling interviews:

  • How to pick the right career?
  • Why you need a career action plan
  • Step-by-step guide to choosing a career
  • How to select universities

3. Act as a resource desk for any available internship that is announced through the school departments:

  • Career opportunities for school leavers and further studies
  • To get involved in career seminars

4. Facilitate and organize employer/students meetings/seminars where employers can talk about the opportunities available in the market:

  • Job opportunities


For more information be free to contact Mr. Denis Madasekera on any week day from 8.00am to 3.00pm:

Mobile: 0771584895 or 0766901585,