The Young Explorers’ Club of Trinity College embarked on a hike to Hanthana on the 27th of October along with fellow explorers from Hillwood College, Kandy. This was a collaborative initiative taken by the Trinity Explorers.
The exploring team were guided by members of the Young Explorers’ Club, along with numerous interactive insights ranging from snakes as well as how to administer first aid to a snake bitten person. The members of the Young Explorers’ Club who participated in the hike was J.M.S. Jayasinghe, S.M. Thanura Samarakoon, S.M. Thinura Samarakoon, D.M.S.Dissanayake, P.G.N.T. Pitadeniya, T. Jayasekara, K.J.Jaswinth, Naween Anosh, Jeywin Samarakoon, Mihiru Moonamalpe, Jayageeth Basnayake, Hasan Fowzie, Husain Fowzie, Hasal Nawarathne, Malsith Kandegedara and Dhananjaya Herath.
The team made their initial ascent to the ‘Kapolla’ region of Hanthana, where they engaged in an informative session about first aid and map reading. The team also experienced the unique travelling bees as well as many other animals on their journey to the summit.
It was a very fun and enjoyable expedition filled with a vast array of knowledge for the Trinitans and Hillwoodians. The students were accompanied by Mr.Kusal Perera, Mrs.Imali Daskon, Mr.Sahana Wajirasena as well as the teachers-in-charge of Hillwood College.
Review by Jayageeth Basnayake
Photographed by Mr. Sahana Wajirasena