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Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed suppliers for the purchase of gym equipment. Tender forms and the specifications of the equipment could be obtained from the Purchasing Officer during office hours for a fee of Rs. 2,000 between 4th November and 8th November, 2024. Enquiries or information pertaining to this tender can be obtained by calling 081-2222089 or 081-2232708 (Ext nos 24 or 62) or by email to “”. Sealed tenders will be accepted up to 2.00 p.m. on November 12th, and will be opened immediately thereafter at 2.00 p.m. in the presence of the tenderers. The decision of the Tender Board shall be final and conclusive. Principal
Are you an ambitious and inspirational teacher, looking for a new challenge? Trinity College is searching for dynamic, ambitious teachers to fill the vacancies at Trinity College International Qualifications (TCKIQ) Division. The successful applicants will be Graduates, preferably with Edexcel (International GCSE / IAL) Teaching experience in the following subjects: Applicants should be fluent in both spoken and written English and a solid knowledge of ICT is imperative. Candidates below the age of 50 years are encouraged to apply. The ability to conduct lessons in both International and National Curriculum will be an added advantage.  Salary will be negotiable based on experience, qualifications, and other relevant criteria. Applications (including a covering letter and full CV with details of two non-related referees) should be emailed to on or before 31st October, 2024 stating the ‘Subject Name’. The school however reserves the right to appoint sooner than this date if an ideal applicant is identified before the deadline.   PRINCIPAL
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed contractors to carry out the construction of the new Piggery Building (Stage II) at the Trinity College Farm, Balagolla. Tender forms can be obtained from the Purchasing Officer during office hours for a fee of Rs. 2,000, between 23rd October and 28th October 2024. Contractors (ICTAD C7 or above) or those registered with the College may submit tenders. Enquiries or information pertaining to this tender can be obtained by calling 081–2222089 or 081–2232708 (Ext: 24 or 62), or by email to Sealed tenders will be accepted up to 2.00 p.m. on 1st November 2024, and will be opened immediately thereafter at 2.30 p.m. in the presence of the tenderers. The decision of the Tender Board shall be final and conclusive. PrincipalTrinity College Kandy
Applications are invited from manufacturers, wholesalers, public corporations, Companies, Contractors, individuals etc. who wish to register themselves with this institution for the supplies and services shown in a list available with the College Office. The list and relevant application form could be obtained from the College Office during working hours or requested by email to from 22nd October to 8th November. Duly completed applications should be submitted by 2.00 PM on 8th November 2024. Note: Applicants should obtain the application form, pay the relevant fee (Rs 1000 for suppliers and Rs 2000 for contractors) and submit the duly completed application on or before the above deadline. Principal
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed suppliers for the following: Bid Documents: Bid documents can be collected from the College Office during office hours after payment of a non-refundable fee of LKR 8,000. Site Inspection and Pre-Bid meeting: Service providers may inspect the site conditions and participate for the Pre-Bid meeting on 18th September 2024 at 11.00 a.m. Please call: 081-2222089/ 081-2232708/ 081-2234297; ext 24 or 62 or Premises Manager 070 6627 522. Submission Deadline: Quotations will be accepted up to 2.00 p.m. on 26th September 2024 and will be opened immediatelythereafter. Principal View Paper Advertisement
Sealed quotations are invited for the following at the Pallekele Rugby Stadium for the above encounter on 7th September 2024. Service providers may inspect the site by prior arrangement (Please call 081-2222089/081-2232708/081-2234297; ext 24 or 62). Quotations will be accepted up to 2.00 pm on 1st, August 2024, and will be opened immediately thereafter. Principal View Paper Advertisement

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