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Monday, 22 July 2024 / Published in College, Rugby, Sports, Sports News
Reviewed by Nimuthu Pathiraja  An exceptional performance by Trinity College Kandy in their 5th clash in the Schools’ Rugby league, against fellow rivals St’ Anthony’s College Katugasthota on the 19th of July, achieved them a stunning victory.  The atmosphere at the match was unprecedented as Trinity was hosting this fixture at the picturesque Pallekale stadium. Enthusiastic students from both schools were present and eagerly cheering their team on  The first half  The Trinity defense was broken in the 7th minute itself with Anthonians scoring 7 points after a successful try and conversion.  Following the 3 points which Yevan Hulangamuwa scored in the 10th minute, the Trinitians dominated the first half scoring try after try, not allowing the Anthonians to break through a strong Trinity defense. As the first half ended, Trinity College Kandy had achieved a lead of 15 points with the score reading 22-7.  The second half  The second half was full of tensed moments with St’ Anthony’s College managing to make a superb comeback offering a glimmer of hope, scoring 12 points while Trinitians highlighted excellent team skills, scoring 10 points.   Despite a resilient performance from St’ Anthony’s College, the early momentum and lead set by TCK was tough to overcome.  When the allotted time was up, Trinity had conquered St’ Anthony’s College by 15 points, with the final score reading 32-17.  Nonetheless, the match proved to be extremely competitive and tense at moments. Spectators from both sides were delighted to see both teams play selflessly and show wonderful team culture, a key trait displaying true sportsmanship. 
Monday, 22 July 2024 / Published in Clubs and Societies News, College, Societies
By Chaniru Senhas (Web Content Team)  Young Trinitians of Grade 5 delved into the wonders of electronic circuits and power sources at the Workshop held on the 19th of July, organized by the Junior School Science Society.   Here, over the course of 2 and a half hours, students were not only educated on electronic circuits, but also given the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working with components such as LEDs, resistors and transistors.  The workshop commenced with a short lecture on the many different types electronic components and power sources, providing students with the foundational knowledge required.  Then, they proceeded to learn how to form circuits with these components and power sources in order to interact with the real world, setting the stage for practical application.  The highlight of the workshop, however, was the practical activity where students collaborated in groups to build a model of a city with street lights. This session was met with sheer excitement from students, who were eager to apply their newly acquired knowledge.  Overall, the Science Society workshop was a success, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on application to inspire and educate students in the field of electronics and project development  Special thanks has to be extended to the Headmistress, Mrs. Chamali de Tissera for her unwavering support, the Grade 5 Sectional Head, Mrs. Malrani Rodrigo, for her guidance, and the Teacher-in-Charge of the Science Society, Ms Mayanthi Abeykoon, for her hard work to make the event a success, and all the students who took part in the workshop. 
Review by Nimuthu Pathiraja (Web Content Team)  A commendable performance made the Debating Team of TCK Kandy, take pride in their efforts at the Inter-school debating championship organised by the APIIT Law school, held on the 8th, 9th and 15th of June 2024.  The team, captained by Mast. Thesath Keppetiyagama along with Mast. Sanchitha Wickrama, Nethula Hettihewage and Shahrukh Fairooz performed with great success, remaining unbeaten in the preliminary rounds of the tournament and entered out rounds breaking 1st.   The team victoriously made to the finals of the competition after surreal performances in both the quarter-finals and semi-finals, triumphing over teams of Dharmaraja College and St’ Bridget’s Convent, and after an extremely tensed and heated debate against Royal College Colombo at the APIIT premises, They emerged runners up.  All three debaters received accolades for their unprecedented debating prowess. Master. Thesath Keppetiyagama emerged the best debater, Master. Sanchitha Wickrama the 6th best debater and Master. Nethula Hettihewage was awarded the 14th best debater.  We congratulate the Trinity College Debate team for their successful performance and wish them the best of luck in future endeavors while also appreciating the efforts of the teacher-in-charge of the English Debating Society, Mrs. Fathima Majeed, the Head Coach Mr. Suchith Tissera and all others who supported their performance 
Monday, 22 July 2024 / Published in College, Football, Sports, Sports News
By Chaniru Senhas (Web Content Team)  The five houses of the Junior School had been training hard with their coach Mr Thillai Sivabalan to compete in the Inter-house Soccer Tournament on the 15th of July.   On the day of the competition, teachers, parents and students gathered at the Junior School ground to cheer for their houses and friends.   Eager spectators witnessed fierce competition among many skilled young Trinitians as they played hard, but fair, to serve their houses.   After multiple hours of intense gameplay, it was time for one house to emerge champions, and to take the trophy home. The results are as follows:  5th place – Carter Yellows – 2 points  4th place – Carter Reds – 6 points (1.5 bonus points)  3rd place – Boarding House – 6 points (2 bonus points)  Runners up – Carter Blues – 12 points  Champions – Campbell House – 14 points  A special thank goes to the TIC, Mrs. Nirmala Dissanayake, the event referee, Mr. Sanoj Srinath, the coach, Mr Thillai Sivabalan, and all other staff members and parents for supporting these young Trinitians on their Soccer journey. 
Saturday, 20 July 2024 / Published in Advertisements, College
Sealed quotations are invited for the following at the Pallekele Rugby Stadium for the above encounter on 7th September 2024. Service providers may inspect the site by prior arrangement (Please call 081-2222089/081-2232708/081-2234297; ext 24 or 62). Quotations will be accepted up to 2.00 pm on 1st, August 2024, and will be opened immediately thereafter. Principal View Paper Advertisement
Thursday, 18 July 2024 / Published in Chapel, College, College News
Message by Yasas Fernando (Grade 4) My dear Principal, Vice Principals, Chaplain, Teachers, Parents, and my dear students, It’s a great joy for me to bring God’s word to you today. We are going to look at a story that Jesus told, the story of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15:11-31. But first, let me tell you the background to this story, found in verse 1 of Chapter 15. The so-called “sinners” at that time were drawing near to Jesus, and Jesus loved them. The religious people didn’t like that and started grumbling, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” Jesus loved all people, especially the sinners and the outcasts, which made the religious people very upset. So Jesus tells this story: “There was a man who had two sons. And the younger son said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he wasted his property in reckless living. And when he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. And he was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, and no one gave him anything.” Actually, Jesus tells this story for us to understand what God is like. He compares God to the Father in this story. So, today we are going to look at three qualities of God! The younger son wanted to be independent of the father. He wanted to live his own way, which he thought would bring him a lot of pleasure and happiness. He loved money and used it to live the way he wanted to. But finally, he lost everything. He was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, and no one gave him anything. The son realized that he himself was lost! Then he remembered his Father. “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father.” The first quality of God that I want to tell you today is the Holiness of God. The son wanted to go back to the father, and he prepared a speech. The speech had three points. The first thing he wanted to tell his father was: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.” And that is true! God created us and loves us! But when we choose to live our own way, the Bible calls it sin! For example, God hates lies. When we lie to our parents, or when we lie to our children, we are not just sinning against our children; we are sinning against God! But why is it a sin against God? Because the Bible says that God is Holy! God hates sin, and one reason is that He loves us and sin destroys us. So that’s the first thing he wanted to tell his father. What is the second thing? “I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” That is also true. Sinning against a Holy God is very serious, so we are not worthy to be called His children. What is the third thing he wanted to tell his father? “Treat me as one of your hired servants.” Now, a hired servant was someone who lived outside the home. A hired servant would work during the day and then go back to his own home. Why did the son want to be a hired servant? Maybe he thought, if he worked hard, little by little, the father would love and accept him. Don’t we all think like that? YES! Maybe if we keep our room tidy or sweep the house, our mothers might give us a chocolate. As adults, we think that if we work hard and buy a nice vehicle, people will love and accept us! Many religions also teach this: if we live a good life, care for the poor, go to church, pray many times a day, we can reach the top and even receive the love and acceptance of a Holy God! The son wanted to work his way up to the Father! So now he has a three-point speech. He decided to go back home! So the first quality of God is that God is Holy. The second quality is the Love of God. Let’s read the text: “And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion.” Now, what did the father do? Let me remind you again, Jesus is telling this story to help us understand what God the Father is like. We are Trinitarians. What does Trinity mean? It means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We need to know what God the Father is like. What does the father do? The father RUNS!! In ancient Middle Eastern cultures, wealthy old men didn’t run! It was a shameful thing for an old man to run! Even in our own culture, it is rare to see a father running when they see their son coming! But this father runs! In those days, wealthy old men wore long robes; he would have raised his robe and run!! That’s not all. Jesus goes into a lot of detail to help us understand the character of God. The father hugs the son and kisses the son!! This is the great affection of God! There is no God like this! Now the son prepares to tell his speech. Which has how many points? Three points! He tells the
Sri Lanka, a land brimming with stories, boasts a rich cultural heritage and bountiful nature. These stories, etched into monuments, speak to future generations. One such monument in Sri Lanka’s hill capital stands as a guardian of these tales: the Chapel of Trinity College Kandy. A Testament to Sri Lankan and Western Heritage Situated atop Trinity Hill, this house of God was constructed, intertwining Sri Lankan legacies with Western philosophy and Christianity. Since its inception in 1922, the Chapel of Trinity College Kandy has served as a beacon of architecture and spirituality, inspiring generations of the Trinity community as a sanctuary for reflection and growth. This unique edifice embodies Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage and architectural prowess. Towering granite columns and intricately carved wooden ‘pekadas’, definitive features of hill country architecture, showcase the island’s ancient skills in stone masonry and wood carving. The craftsmanship in the chapel’s details is extraordinary. The ‘pekadas,’ a blend of corbel and capital, feature elaborate designs carved into wood, demonstrating a fusion of artistic ingenuity and traditional techniques. The granite carvings, robust yet delicate, tell stories etched in stone, reflecting the island’s mastery in using natural materials. The Chapel’s Construction and the Paynter Murals The construction of the chapel was a monumental effort spanning over fifty years. Granite pillars, each weighing three tons, were quarried and transported by elephants, showcasing the dedication and skill of countless craftsmen. This process required immense imagination and determination, reminiscent of the great lithic monuments of ancient Sri Lanka. Adorning the walls are large, colourful murals painted by renowned artist and alumnus David Paynter. These masterpieces, depicting Biblical scenes in a tropical Sri Lankan setting, add to the chapel’s unparalleled beauty. The scenes are set against lush, tropical backdrops, bringing a unique Sri Lankan essence to these timeless stories. This fusion of local culture and universal themes makes the murals a treasured part of our heritage, becoming one of the only places in the world where Jesus is boldly depicted with brown skin and short hair, akin to a local. The Urgent Need for Restoration However, after decades of exposure to humidity, pollutants, and natural wear, this magnificent structure is in dire need of restoration. The murals, once vibrant, now show signs of fading and damage, and the granite pillars need reinforcement. A comprehensive restoration plan has been developed by a committee of experts, including architects and engineers. Their assessment emphasizes the urgent need for professional intervention to preserve the chapel’s structural integrity and historical value. Restoring the chapel will ensure it continues to serve as a place for reflection, assembly, and spiritual growth for future generations. This effort will preserve an irreplaceable part of our heritage, symbolizing Trinity’s core values: integrity, service, excellence, and resilience. How You Can Help We invite you to join us in this noble endeavor. Your contributions will help preserve this sacred space, ensuring it remains a repository of legacy and stories for the future. Support the Trinity College Chapel Restoration Project. Donate today and be a part of preserving our legacy for future generations. You can make your donation to the following bank account: Name: Trinity College KandyBank: Commercial BankAccount: 100 034 3975Branch: KandyBranch Code: 7056004Branch Address: No 120, Kotugodella Street, Kandy.Email: fm@trinitycollege.lkSwift Code: CCEYLKLX Please state CRP – (Your Name) under reference. Or make a QR payment via the QR code below. For Local Transactions: You can use any LANKAQR-enabled mobile application to pay via QR. For a list of applications you can use, please click here. For Overseas Transactions: You can use any payment app compatible with VisaQR, MasterCardQR, and UnionPayQR standards to perform transactions. Read more about the Chapel Restoration Project at https://trinitycollege.lk/chapel-restoration-project/
Thursday, 18 July 2024 / Published in College, Kindergarten, Newsletters
This is a weekly project done by the Kindergarten Teachers Issue 14 – July 2024
Thursday, 18 July 2024 / Published in College, Kindergarten, Newsletters
This is a weekly project done by the Kindergarten Teachers Issue 13 – July 2024
Wednesday, 17 July 2024 / Published in Cadet Band, Cadet Platoon, College, Sports, Sports News
Trinity College proudly announces the appointment of Warrant Officer II Dissanayake D.M.K.G.B as the Central Province Drill Instructor, marking a significant milestone in the history of cadetting at the college. WO II Dissanayake, previously distinguished as Sergeant in 2023, played a pivotal role in Trinity College’s cadet platoon, guiding them to reclaim their participation in the prestigious Hermann Loos Trophy after an extended absence. Beyond this notable success, Warrant Officer II Dissanayake D.M.K.G.B’s appointment as the first Drill Instructor from Trinity College, Kandy, heralds a new era in cadetting. His exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence have significantly enhanced the training and preparedness of cadets under his tutelage. This appointment not only underscores his dedication but also solidifies Trinity College’s commitment to nurturing disciplined and capable future leaders.

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