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Reviewed by Nimuthu Pathiraja  An exceptional performance by Trinity College Kandy in their 5th clash in the Schools’ Rugby league, against fellow rivals St’ Anthony’s College Katugasthota on the 19th of July, achieved them a stunning victory.  The atmosphere at the match was unprecedented as Trinity was hosting this fixture at the picturesque Pallekale stadium. Enthusiastic students from both schools were present and eagerly cheering their team on  The first half  The Trinity defense was broken in the 7th minute itself with Anthonians scoring 7 points after a successful try and conversion.  Following the 3 points which Yevan Hulangamuwa scored in the 10th minute, the Trinitians dominated the first half scoring try after try, not allowing the Anthonians to break through a strong Trinity defense. As the first half ended, Trinity College Kandy had achieved a lead of 15 points with the score reading 22-7.  The second half  The second half was full of tensed moments with St’ Anthony’s College managing to make a superb comeback offering a glimmer of hope, scoring 12 points while Trinitians highlighted excellent team skills, scoring 10 points.   Despite a resilient performance from St’ Anthony’s College, the early momentum and lead set by TCK was tough to overcome.  When the allotted time was up, Trinity had conquered St’ Anthony’s College by 15 points, with the final score reading 32-17.  Nonetheless, the match proved to be extremely competitive and tense at moments. Spectators from both sides were delighted to see both teams play selflessly and show wonderful team culture, a key trait displaying true sportsmanship. 
By Chaniru Senhas (Web Content Team)  The five houses of the Junior School had been training hard with their coach Mr Thillai Sivabalan to compete in the Inter-house Soccer Tournament on the 15th of July.   On the day of the competition, teachers, parents and students gathered at the Junior School ground to cheer for their houses and friends.   Eager spectators witnessed fierce competition among many skilled young Trinitians as they played hard, but fair, to serve their houses.   After multiple hours of intense gameplay, it was time for one house to emerge champions, and to take the trophy home. The results are as follows:  5th place – Carter Yellows – 2 points  4th place – Carter Reds – 6 points (1.5 bonus points)  3rd place – Boarding House – 6 points (2 bonus points)  Runners up – Carter Blues – 12 points  Champions – Campbell House – 14 points  A special thank goes to the TIC, Mrs. Nirmala Dissanayake, the event referee, Mr. Sanoj Srinath, the coach, Mr Thillai Sivabalan, and all other staff members and parents for supporting these young Trinitians on their Soccer journey. 
Trinity College proudly announces the appointment of Warrant Officer II Dissanayake D.M.K.G.B as the Central Province Drill Instructor, marking a significant milestone in the history of cadetting at the college. WO II Dissanayake, previously distinguished as Sergeant in 2023, played a pivotal role in Trinity College’s cadet platoon, guiding them to reclaim their participation in the prestigious Hermann Loos Trophy after an extended absence. Beyond this notable success, Warrant Officer II Dissanayake D.M.K.G.B’s appointment as the first Drill Instructor from Trinity College, Kandy, heralds a new era in cadetting. His exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence have significantly enhanced the training and preparedness of cadets under his tutelage. This appointment not only underscores his dedication but also solidifies Trinity College’s commitment to nurturing disciplined and capable future leaders.
Reviewed by Theviru Ganewatta The Under 15 basketball tournament is a highlight of the sporting calendar of TCK, bringing together the best teams in the hills to compete for glory. This year’s tournament was a showcase of talent, determination, and sportsmanship, with many memorable moments. Among the standout stories was the U15 Trinity College team that defied the odds to secure a commendable second-place finish (1st Runner up).  The Results of the Matches,  Quarter Finals  Trinity College Vs Poramadulla Central College. Trinity won with a score of 65-16 promoting themselves to the Semi Finals.  Semi-Finals  Trinity College Vs Weera Mohan Jayamaha National School. The match being arduous, Trinity emerged victorious with a score of 68-48 advancing to the Finals.  Finals  Trinity College Vs Maliyadewa College, Kurunagala Despite the loss Team TCK gave their best to reach a score of 61-32.   Master Savinu Herath was awarded the Best Defensive Player.  U15 Trinity College Basketball Team  The team is grateful to their  Head Coach Mr.Susil Udukumbura, Assistant Coach Mr.Hamza Harish, and Teacher in-charge Mrs.Thanuja Wijerathne, for their continuous support, guidance and assistance which made a significant impact on this success. 
Reviewed by Wosanda Malaviarachchi  Under a golden sky at Bogambara Stadium, TCKs Rugger teams confronted their opponents, Sri Sumangala College – on the 30th of June 2024. They went head-to-head hoping to gain a win for their teams, especially the Trinitians since they had lost the previous match and this victory would bring them back on track to win the Bradby Shield and the Tournament.  First Half   The game kicked off on schedule at 4.15 pm and almost immediately a tri was scored by Usman Shafraz and then a few moments later another try by Murad Raizan of Trinity making the Opposition rethink their game plan and bringing the scoreboard up to 10 for Trinity and zero to Sumangala, after just 10 minutes of the game. The rest of the first half went as expected with the Trinitians pulling ahead with a considerable gap of 27 points and the Sumangala Players managing to Score 5 points, a few moments before the 1st half ended with 32 points for TCK and 05 points to SSCK.  Second Half  The game resumed at 5.15p.m with a few more quick tries by the Trinitians,  followed by the Sumangalains who also scored some magnificent tries which brought them on par with TCK, but it made no significant difference since, by the end of the match, Trinity College had rocketed ahead leaving Sri Sumangala at a disadvantageous score.   Finally, with a few moments on the clock, Team TCK scored one last try which guaranteed their victory. Trinitians who had racked up 49 points were unable to make it to 50. Nonetheless, they won the match with a gap of 35 points.   Though the Sumangala team lost this match, they showed their impressive rugby skills that retrained Team TCK from getting farther than 49.   Victory for Trinity  The spectators were not disappointed and were able to witness a series of spectacular tries from both ends.  We thank the Captain of the Trinity 1st XV rugby team Anuhas Kodituwakku, the Captain of The Sumangala 1st XV rugby team Dinidu Wickramasinghe and MICs for a spectacular encounter. This encounter was a prime example of teamwork of rugby players and inspired upcoming young players to carry the Trinity’s rugby legacy for years to come.  
A review by Muhammed Jameel (Web Content Team)  The second match of the Dialog Schools’ Rugby League for the lions kicked off at Havelock Park on the 22nd of June 2024. The Trinitians travelled down to Colombo to take over at the top of the leaderboard but unfortunately could not hit the mark.  Before the game began, D.S. Senanayake College displayed a heartfelt gesture. As the stadium packed with supporters mourned the passing of Master Shabeer Ahamed, the captain of the host team gifted one of their own jerseys with the number that Shabeer would’ve worn this season. This very thoughtful gesture will be remembered by the Trinity community. We thank everyone with a deep sense of gratitude who gave their condolences in this period of grief.  Early Dominance by D.S. Senanayake College  The game was kicked off by last week’s bonus point scorer, Shan Althaf. As a punt from the Trinitians landed in the hands of the opposition’s skipper, the player used the opportunity to execute a chip and chase. The kick was misjudged by the Trinitian sweeper and the lads from Colombo pounced on the scrappy play and scored the first points of the game. As five points were scored right underneath the posts, the other two points were converted with ease.  Rolling Maul Adds to D.S. Senanayake’s Lead  As the lions scrambled to level the score, they conceded a line-out in a treacherous area of the field. The opposition executed a simple rolling maul directing towards the try line. This phase looked a dreading one as the Trinitians were unable to counter the strength coming from the D.S. payers. The ball carrier barged over, adding another five points to their tally. The angle of the place kick this time around was narrow but that factor did not deprive the player as he sailed the ball through the sticks. The half ended with D.S. leading Trinity fourteen (14) points to zero (0).  Trinity’s Resilient Second Half  The score line at half time did not look favourable to the Trinitians but they are known for their resilience and their ability to strike back in the second half of play.   Trinity’s First Try: A Glimmer of Hope  The Trinity team received a scrum in their opponents’ half which ignited an opportunity to score their first try of the game. The Trinitians displayed a jaw dropping move ending with the captain Anuhas Kodithuwakku diving over to open the scoring. The conversion went astray as the ball swayed to the left of the goal posts.   Closing the Gap: Trinity’s Second Try  With the gap reduced by five points, the Trinitians desperately needed two more scorings. An attempted punt by the Donz was chased down and Murad Raizan scored the second five pointer. Unfortunately, the conversion did not go through.  Final Whistle: D.S. Senanayake Secures Victory  The full-time whistle sounded and the Trinitians dropped to their knees as the celebrations from the D.S. supporters deafened Havelock Park. Even though the game ended with our lads at the losing end, this team has much more on their plates to be displayed. Congratulations to D.S. Senanayake College for their well-earned victory!   Points Breakdown  D.S. Senanayake College – 2 Tries, 2 Conversions   Trinity College                   – 2 Tries 
Trinity College proudly announces Kaveen Senanayake as the new troop leader of its historic scout troop, established in 1914. Kaveen, who began his scouting journey in 2014 as a cub scout, has demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication throughout his scouting career. He has served as a patrol leader and now ascends to the esteemed position of troop leader. Kaveen is also awarded as the second Prime Minister Scout of Trinity, highlighting his outstanding skills and commitment to scouting principles. His leadership was pivotal when he led the senior scout troop to the 10th National Jamboree, a major event held after an eight-year gap, showcasing his organizational skills and charismatic personality. As troop leader, Kaveen encourages unity, adventure, and service, upholding the scouting excellence of Trinity College. The entire community congratulates him on this accomplishment.
In 2024, there was a lot of excitement among the scouts of Sri Lanka as they looked forward to the 10th National Scout Jamboree, which was happening after 8 years. This event brings together all the scouts from across Sri Lanka to one camp. This lively quadrennial event is a significant milestone in a scout’s life and happens every four years. The senior scout troop, led by Troop Leader Mast. Kaveen Senanayake, with 25 members representing the 17th Kandy Trinity College Scout Troop, was lucky to be part of this special experience. On February 20th, we arrived at school at 3:30 am and departed by bus at 4:30 am for the Sri Koneshwara Hindu College Grounds in Trincomalee. After a brief rest at Kanthale Lake Bund, we continued our journey. By 10:15 am, we reached the campsite and started setting up our tents. On the 21st of February, the second day of the Jamboree commenced with an 8:00 am inspection for cleanliness and smartness, followed by the opening ceremony at 9:30 am with the chief guest, President Ranil Wickramasinghe. At 3:30 pm, the ‘Friendship Wide Game’ took place at sub camp level. By 6:30 pm, the Sri Lanka Army entertained the scouts with a cultural show, while at 9:30 pm, the Jamboree Ground was filled with joy and excitement thanks to an unforgettable musical performance by the Sri Lanka Navy. On the 22nd of February, the third day of the camp, kicked off with a 6:30 am Road Race, followed by a daily rally from the 22nd to the 25th at 8:30 am. At 9:30 am, the daily Jamboree activities commenced. Later, at 5:00 pm, a kite festival, followed by the BP Day Ceremony at 6:00 pm, celebrated the founder of the Scouting Movement, Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell. The Jamboree Ground was illuminated with Vesak Buckets lit by scouts as a tribute to Lord Baden Powell. The 23rd of February, the fourth day of the Jamboree, known as Cultural Day, followed the usual routine with the Rally and Jamboree activities. At 7:00 pm, the Sub Campfire showcased the aesthetic talents of young scouts, with our troop leader representing the Kandy district lighting the campfire. Saturday, 24th of February, began with the usual morning routine, followed by additional Jamboree activities at 2:00 pm, organized by the committee to provide valuable knowledge and life skills. At 7:00 pm, the International and National Cultural Shows delighted us with vibrant displays of various cultures from countries like Maldives, India, Thailand, South Korea, USA, Australia, and England. On February 25th, after the usual morning routine, the “Piyawara – Green World” Community Development Project took place at 9:30 am. The closing ceremony occurred at 5:30 pm, followed by an open-air display marking the official conclusion of the Jamboree by 7:00 pm. Our scout troop celebrated the last day with hours of joyful singing. On the 7th and the last day of the Jamboree, the 26th of February, a campsite inspection was held and everybody departed from the Jamboree Grounds by 12.30 pm taking back unforgettable memories to last a lifetime. On the way back to school, we had the opportunity to visit a Navy camp and observe all the naval equipment at the Naval Museum. Then, we went on a boat ride within the harbor, organized by the Sri Lankan Navy. Written by Theshan RathnayakeReviewed by Kaveen Senanayake (TL)
At the All Island Inter School Weightlifting Championship organised by the Sri Lanka Schools’ Weightlifting Federation held from the 15th – 17th June 2024 at Pilimathalawa Central College, Trinity’s weightlifters excelled in their performance.   Team TCK emerged champions among several schools from the Island.   The team achieved an impressive haul of 11 medals in total, comprising 1 Gold Medal, 6 Silver Medals, and 4 Bronze Medals.  Gold Medal:  – Sadil Angammana  Silver Medals:  – Onija Kodithuwakku  – Thisal Rajapakse  – Joshua Kottage  – Manula Dullewa  – Thanuj Navarajah  – Mohomad Asri  Bronze Medals:  – Chanithu Ranathunga  – Pudam Dissanayake  – Heshan Kumarawansha  – Mohomad Umair  The team extends their heartfelt gratitude to their coach, Mr. M. Wijerathne, and the MIC, Mr. Hasitha Nishshankarachchi, for their untiring efforts in making the boys’ weightlifting career at Trinity an experience filled with accolades.  Review by Thisal Rajapakse (Captain – Weightlifting Team) 
Reviewed by Rehan Anandakumar Among the highly anticipated events on Trinity’s annual schedule, the Rugby League season stands out for its blend of anticipation and preparation. With months dedicated to training and commitment, teams are set to deliver an exhilarating display of skill and determination. Trinity kicked their first match played for the Canon R.S. de Saram Shield against St Thomas’ college Mount Lavinia on June 15th, 2024, under the golden hues at the Pallekelle rugby stadium with fervent supporters roaring for both schools. A vigorous first half Few minutes from the kick off, Thisanga Dissanayake managed to score an early try with his agility that pierced right through the Thomian defense. Evan Hulangamuwa completed the Try with a flawless conversion. Despite an early set back Thomians were eager for a try and as the crowd was losing hope, Sithil Perera of St.Thomas’ yielded a try with an unfortunate conversion, leaving the score at 7-5. In the 30th minute of the game, Udan Bulathsinhalage’s penalty kick nudged the Thomians ahead by a solitary point, (TCK – 07 STC – 08), concluding the first half of the match. Trinity’s Dominant Second Half Team TCK returned with renewed vigor. Shan Althaf’s masterful drop goal shifted the momentum, reclaiming the lead at (TCK – 10, STC – 08). This pivotal moment ignited Trinity’s offense, resulting in an unstoppable onslaught. Udeesha Rathnayake’s brilliant Try further extended their lead, with Althaf’s flawless conversions underscoring his strategic play. Sealing the Victory Finally, with only a few minutes left, the Trinity forwards pushed the team towards another spectacular Try from Akesh Fernando, concluding the match and sealing the victory with a score of (TCK – 31, STC – 08). Trinity College’s emphatic 31-8 victory in the Canon R.S. de Saram Shield encounter was a testament to their tactical brilliance and dedication. Althaf’s contribution towards the team earned him the NDB Player of the Match. The team’s performance not only clinched a prestigious win but also set an inspiring tone for the rugby season ahead, promising more thrilling encounters with unparalleled excitement. What the spectators witnessed, was team effort that enabled Team TCK to play collectively towards achieving victory, inspiring TCK’s younger rugby teams to foster a love of rugby that requires active, but collaborative participation.
Reviewed by Rehan Anandakumar  The Badminton teams of TCK have been striving to reach a noteworthy status since 2014. After clinching the championship in the B division and being placed runners-up in the A division in 2016, their perseverance to attain greater heights remained strong.   From the 17th-21st April 2024, All Island under 17, Inter School Badminton Team Championships were held at St. Thomas College, Bandarawela and SLA Ratnayake Memorial Indoor Stadium.  Firstly, the teams competed, with a few of the most competitive schools from all around the nation: St. Sebastian College Moratuwa, St. Anthony’s College Katugastota, Ananda College ‘B’ Team and Bandarawela Central.  Trinity had its first match with St. Sebastian College Moratuwa where they won 1st double, 2nd double, and 3rd Single.   During their second match with St. Anthonys College, they secured the 1st single,1st double, and 2nd double and then Trinity overpowered Ananda College B team and finally was the match with Bandarawela Central College where once again Trinity showcased its unmatched skills conquering this match as well.  Performing exceptionally well, Trinity College Kandy moved into the Super semifinal ‘A division’ where after an intense match we unfortunately lost against Lyceum Wattala securing 3rd place in the Super ‘A’ Division at the All-Island Inter School Under 17 Badminton Team Championship.  TCK’s badminton journey reaches a historical milestone with this groundbreaking achievement, being placed 3th out of 105 schools island-wide.  We extend our gratitude to the Master-in-charge Mr.Shanaka Ariyarathne, Mr.Rashika Weerasooriya and the Coaches Lasantha Thilakawardana and   Shamika Nugaliyaddha for their continued support. 
Reviewed by Sathira Marahela and Shahrukh Fairooz      Chess is the silent dance of pieces across a checkered board where each move is a mix of attack and defense. This is a dynamic battlefield with countless possibilities, one wrong maneuver is all it takes for the game to change completely. Chess is not just a game, but a testament to the power of intellect.  The Inter-House Chess Tournament took place on the 29th and 30th of April 2024 at the Trinity College premises. The tournament was an all-play-all, meaning that each team from each house will have played with each other at least once.  As the time drew close, the commotion settled and all the players were ready to bring glory to their respective houses.   As the tournament came to an end, the players were eager to know the final results of the tournament. The battle of the minds had come to an end and the results were as follows;  Senior houses  1st place  – Lemuel House – 25 points  2nd place – Oorloof House – 18.5 points  3rd place – Garret House – 11.5 points  4th place – Central Boarding House – 11 points  5th place – Simithraaratchy House – 9 points  Junior houses  1st place – Sahayam House – 24 points   2nd place – Gibson House – 18 points   3rd place – Squealery House – 7 points.   4th place – Pilcher House – 10 points  5th place – Saunders House – 55points  The entire team of chess players was contented, despite the result, because they knew that they had gone the extra mile to win the tournament. The wins and losses the players faced throughout the tournament had surely been a learning experience. It is almost certain that everyone improved something after participating in this tournament, whether it be chess or even quick decision-making. A heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Roshaliya Benedict, the Teacher-in-charge of chess, for her contribution in making this event a success, as well as the coach Mr. Rajeendra Kalugampitiya for his unwavering commitment. Congratulations to all participants for their exceptional performances. 
“At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling.”   Reviewed by Ayyash AbuBakar & Isija Thilakarathne An apt quote, perhaps veritably so since the Annual Kindergarten Sports Meet of 2024 has officially concluded. In the words of Theseus in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the spirit of youth is “pert and nimble.” Yet, the spirit of a child may be nimbler and colorful, for it is only the child that delights in the simpler pleasures of a much innocent world; they see joviality in a mud-bath, music in the rain, and roses among the dull hedges, and sport, to which youth is attracted for its glory and gold, to the child is but something in their own inherent nature. You need not urge a child to sport- they are the sport.  This, maybe, the very reason why this year’s Kindergarten sports meet was received in much deliberated enthusiasm and pomp. The Junior School ground was the perfect arena for the little athletic heroes, a haven, in other words, for simpler souls seeking nothing but fun and enjoyment among the green sleeves. April, too, was the perfect month, as it promised felicity and the blushing blooms of spring was a very natural setting for the much-awaited event. The energetic team of teachers in charge of the event proved to be the right cocktail for productivity. The date was, as usual, the best one that it could be. The 30th of April, as decided, existed solely for the purpose of the Sports meet and nothing else.  The day commenced with its own grand air of excitement. The Junior School Band, with its blue-hued caps of feathers and brass buttons was a sight to see, but much vibrant were the melodies that strutted among the keys and handles of their well-polished instruments. Among the might procession, marching in her own limelight of prominence, was the Chief Guest of the special ceremony. She was not only a teacher. She was a pivot. A pivot of efficiency and inter-Staff unity, a head of many subjects and an in-charge of the TCK Sick Room, Quadrangle Development Programme, and a wise member of the Staff Committee. Ladies and Gentlemen, enter Mrs. Caroline Anthony Gnanapragasam, extraordinary conductor of the symphony of academic adventure.  The anticipation was not only present among the staff members. The Kindergarteners had made sure to dress prim and proper, and there was a strong sense of camaraderie among the company, because not only the Kindergarten, but the whole school itself, had made itself readily available for this spirited frolic into early sportsmanship. The TCK Media Unit and its Announcers had rallied to the microphones and the podium, all pristine and set for a day of heavy but fun-filled toll. The stands gleamed, the tents sparkled. Everything was in order.  The event started with a word of introduction to the much-loved Chief Guest, and her many merits were masterfully elucidated. With smooth transition, they next moved on to a holy word of prayer by Rev. Shelton Samadanam, our respected and highly valued Chaplain. Our Father Principal, Rev. Araliya Jayasundara, the Vice principal, Mr.Krishanthan Anthonydas and the Co-Vice Principal, Mr. Ananda Marasinghe, along with the Director of Sports Mr. Gihan Samarasekara and the Junior School Headmistress Mrs. C.P.K. De Tissera were all notable members of the school administration who took part as key witnesses to commemorate the occasion. We then saw the Kindergarten Percussion band, lead by Master Oshan Samarasinghe, who enthralled the audience with their hand-beaten music and drummed beats. Serenading alongside to the School Song and National Anthem, the respective flags were hoisted by the Headmistress and Rev. Father Principal. They then respectfully took their seats as seven eager young fellows, in an artistic mirroring to the Pleiades of Atlas, marched forward to deliver an oath of promise. A pledge that owed to honest sportsmanship and cheerful athletic mastery followed. After the conclusion of this mystic yet awe-inducing promise, the Percussion band moved on to further engage the onlookers with their hard-practiced tones of genial and generic music. An Announcer from the cusp of the podium proceeded to smartly welcome the Kindergarten Drill Display, to which much applause was brought upon. What ensued was a classic yet choreographically pleasing performance by the students, who, with their suits of red and white, mimicked the perfect demigods of childhood and sportiness. In the words of the beloved J.K Rowling, first impressions can work wonders, so this primary set of classy acts brought upon a kick of enrichment and grandiose to the events that would be followed in the rest of the day; in a nutshell, they grounded the prospective of the sports meet as a well-organized and slickly coordinated one.  Next the races commenced, this year the proceedings were a little different. With the help of the teachers, both grade 01 and 02 activities were well-planned and organized. As a result, with the help of Mrs. Himali Mulleriyawa the activities of grade 02 were a great success. Each class of grade 02 had various skills and talents to showcase. With the help of their respective class teachers, the young trinitians put on an enthusiastic show. The individual races include;  *2A – Dynamic Balance.  *2B – Balancing Race.  *2C – Fun with Water.   *2D – Yummy Apples.  *2E – Balance! Balance! Balance!  *2F – Challengers.  *2G – Don’t Give Up.  Although not only individual races stole the spotlight the partner races too caught the audience’s attention. The event included two youngsters partnering up and trying to beat their very own classmates. It was truly a fierce battle and there was tension in the atmosphere, although there was curiosity and excitement to see who would return in triumph. The partner races include;  *2A – Football Encounter.  *2B – Walking like a crab.  *2C – Hat catch.  *2D – Clever Minds.  *2E – Chained Together.  *2F – Ball carriers.  *2G – Hand in hand, Heart to heart.    Not only
Review by Krishiv Eekash, Disalana Jayasooriya and Isija Thilkarathne The eagerly awaited Sports’ Meet of Trinity College Kandy 2024 was held over three days of thrilling competition as five senior and junior houses battled for championship trophies and medals. Due to weather induced health concerns, the event was extended over three days to ensure the safety and well-being of all athletes and spectators. As such, heats of all track events concluded during the 28th and 29th of February.    A myriad of track events, showcasing the speed and agility of athletes from Oorlof, Simiths, Garret, CBH, and Lemuel houses were observed. On the final day, 1st of March 2024, a spectacular Drill Display by the students of grades 6&7, entertained an enthusiastic audience. Next, squads of the houses did their best with the march pass. Without a doubt, CBH emerged first in at this competition. On the first of March, the Chief Guest Hon. Tikiri Kobbekaduwa, an old boy of the college graced the awards ceremony held in the Quadrangle of the school. Speaking at the event, the Chief Guest congratulated champions and acknowledged the 19 new records made at this year’s inter-house athletic meet. The Sports Meet at Trinity College Kandy 2024 is not only a platform for athletic prowess but also fosters a sense of unity and pride among the students, showcasing the school’s commitment to development and excellence in sports. The results are as follows: March Past – Junior Position              House Points 1st         Squealary House         75.40 2nd       Saunders  House         71.00 3rd        Gibson House             69.20 4th        Sahayam House          66.60 5th        Pilcher House              65.20 March Past – Senior Position              House Points 1st         Central Boarding House           80.20 2nd       Simithaaratchy House               76.00 3rd        Garret House                        72.60 4th        Lemuel House                          70.40 5th        Oorloff House            70.20 Relay Champions Junior – Sahayam House Senior – Lemuel House The competition concluded with the Senior and Junior Houses being placed as follows: Senior Houses Central Boarding House – 1st Place (771 points) Oorloff House – 2nd Place (433 points) Simithraaratchy House – 3rd Place (375 points) Lemuel  House – 4th Place (370 points) Garret House – 5th Place (326 points) Junior Houses  Pilcher House – 1st Place (260 points) Sahayam House – 2nd Place (257 points) Squealery House – 3rd Place (251 points) Saunders House – 4th Place (200 points) Gibson House – 5th Place (189 points) The 2024 Inter House Track and Field Competition was an extremely successful event. Our thanks go to the Principal, Rev. Fr. Araliya Jayasundara OSB, the Vice Principal, Mr. Krishanthan Anthonydas, the Prefect of Games, Mr. Gihan Samarasekara, the Secretary of Athletics, Mr. Jagath Kalugampitiya, the academic and non-academic staff, the PROMWEB [the Trinity College Media Unit, Trinity College Promotions, and the Web Content Team], and all the students who participated in this event, and all the other contributors who made this event a success. Inter-house Road Race – 2024 Inter-house track and field competition – 2024 March Past & Drill | Inter-house track and field competition – 2024 Awarding Ceremony | Inter-house track and field competition – 2024
A review by Master Nimuthu Pathiraja (Web Content Team)  On the 23rd of March 2024, Trinity was warming to yet another momentous event in its college calendar, the 42nd Limited Overs Encounter against St’ Anthonys College. After an exhilarating match just the previous weekend which came down to the very last ball, the limited-overs encounter was approached with unprecedented excitement, anticipation and prospect, and Trinity well and truly lived up to the hype at the Katugastota Oval.   Batting first. The Batting display of Trinity was truly an outstanding display of talent and dedication. The team managed to score 228 runs for 9 wickets, which was made possible with two special knocks by Master. Dimantha Mahavithana and Supun Waduge (55 and 56 runs respectively) with support from almost all of the batsmen.   The bowling was no second to the batting, as exceptional resilience, grit and patience were highlighted by our bowlers. Master. Dinuka Thennakon and Tharana Wimaladharma were the stalwarts in the bowling section, claiming 3 wickets each with Master. Manula Kularathne, Malith Ratnayake and Supun Waduge also contributing with 3 wickets amongst them, ultimately resulting in the fighting Anthonians to subside at 128 runs all-out, resulting in a deserved win for Trinity College Kandy with an astonishing margin of 100 runs which earned them the Sir Richard Aluvihare Trophy.   The Awards   The following players who represented their Alma Mater were awarded for their commendable skills.  Man of the match: Master. Supun Waduge  Best Batsman: Master. Dimantha Mahavithana  Best Fielder: Master. Janith Warnakula  Their display of cricketing maneuvers, showered all those watching with joy, creating memories that will be cherished forever. We thank the College Executive Council, both teams, teachers-in-charge, coaches, umpires, parents, and all those who supported this event to be a remarkable one. 
(Reviewed by Rehan Anandakumar, Prawana Dissanayake, Krishiv Ekhaash)  The 104th cricket encounter between TCK and St. Anthony’s College Katugastota: “Battle of the Blues” became the most looked forward to event for both schools, on the 15th and 16th of March 2024. Played at the Asgiriya Cricket Stadium, a historically renowned venue in the Hill Capital of our Island, the annual event comes alive with much hype and glory.     A fully electrified atmosphere charged with the customary ‘papare’ beat and live music brought out the support of the student strength of the schools.    Day one kicked off with Trinity winning the toss and opting to field. After an early breakthrough in the first over by Manula Kularathne, the excitement went quiet in terms of wickets. By the efforts of the captain, Thisara Ekanayake (63 runs) and Janith Rathnasiri (59 runs),  The Eagles were able to end the day with a score of 232 for the loss of 9 wickets.  Day two commenced with Anthonians being bundled out for 249 runs within the first hour, resulting in Trinity facing the new ball in swinging conditions in the morning. Despite the loss of two early wickets, Trinitians were able to build up a good partnership of 100 runs. With Viduka Dhammage scoring 70 runs, Trinity was halfway through the game. But due to the constant pressure built up by the Antonian bowlers, Trinity found themselves in a tough position. As the game stepped into the last hour, Trinity was left with only 2 wickets, still being a few runs short of 250 runs.   With only 10 overs left to go, captain Manula Kularathne, who had been holding the fort for over 4 hours, got out, leaving TCK with only one last wicket. The last few overs were suspenseful, with all the fielders creeping in on the batsman, waiting for him to make a mistake. But the last pair was able to keep calm and batted out the remaining overs, hence, after a strong fight between both the teams the match was drawn, securing the trophy to Trinity College Kandy once more.  We thank both the teams, coaches, umpires and students for their relentless support in making this year’s match a memorable one.   TCK acknowledges the unstinted training and support rendered by the Head Coach Mr.Naveen Ekanayake, Assistant Coach Mr.Lakshitha Alahakoon and the MICs Mr. Brian Senarathne and Mr. Bandula Pushpakumara.  We wish the team good luck for the upcoming year.  Day 01 Day 02
Reviewed by Shahrukh Fairooz, Nilesh Siriwardane and Nimuthu Pathiraja   On the 11th and 12th of March,   teams of energetic and talented basketball players met at the College basketball court, with the sole objective of championing their house. The atmosphere surrounding this significant event was charged with infectious vibes and, it was truly a breath-taking experience for everyone.   With the last tournament being held in 2020, there were high hopes for a stunning tournament this year.   Before anyone knew it, the first match had already begun. The clock was ticking, and the environment was getting heated up by the second and as the day continued, the excitement only geared up.   The second day started with high hopes as the matches already played, revealed the more prominent teams.   Throughout the two days, a great display of exceptional skills lit up the Basketball Tournament. The excitement and hype were sizable due to the thrilling, yet friendly competition.  In the end, Pilcher House and Central Boarding House emerged triumphant. Despite this, all the teams performed exceptionally well, and many new talents were unearthed. After many twists and turns, the results were as follows.    Middle School 1st place  – Pilcher House ( 4 wins – 44 points )  2nd place – Gibson House ( 3 wins –  57 points)  3rd place  – Saunders House ( 1 win – 30 points )  4th place  – Squealery House ( 1 win – 27 points )  5th place  – Sahayam House (0 wins – 20 points )  Upper School  1st place – Central Boarding House (5 wins – 127 points)  2nd place – Lemuel House  ( 4 wins – 58 points)  3rd place – Simithraaratchy House ( 2 wins – 66 points)  4th place – Ooroof House ( 1 win –  58 points)  5th place – Garret House ( 0 wins – 31 points)  We think it is very fair to state that this event was a resounding success. Special thanks must be delivered to the Principal, Rev. Fr. Araliya Jayasundara OSB, Vice Principals, Mr. Krishanthan Anthonydas and Mr. Ananada Marasinghe, the Teacher-In-Charge Mr. Dulanjaya Abeywickrama, all the judges, all the players, parents and everyone who contributed to this event. 
Trinity College Kandy proudly announces the nomination of Sgt. D. M. K. G. B. Dissanayake to represent Sri Lanka as a foreign delegate at the Nepal Independence Day celebrations from the 5th -16th of March 2024 in Nepal. A student of grade 14, he celebrates a well-disciplined career at the National Cadet Corp and received Cadeting Colours in 2023. We are proud of you and we are confident that you will make your alma mater proud!
Reviewed by Rehan Anandakumar (Web Content Team)  After a thrilling display of strength, determination and exceptional skills, Trinity Weightlifters brought pride to the College at the Youth Junior, and Senior Novices’ Weightlifting Championship held from February 23rd to 25th, 2024, at G/Poddiwala National College in Poddiwala, Mathtaka  The year 2024 began on a positive note for TCK’s weightlifters who emerged victorious in all age categories.    The results are as follows:   Under 17:  Under 20:  Senior  For the first time in Sri Lankan Weightlifting history, the Under 13 weightlifting talent Identification Statement was introduced and,  Danidu Sonath brought pride to his alma mater by achieving 30 kg in Snatch and 39 kg in Clean and Jerk.  TCK’s weightlifters express their gratitude to the coach Mr. Manjula Wijerathne and Master-in-Charge Mr. Kanchana Galagoda for their tireless efforts in shaping their strengths and skills.   We wish the team the very best in their future endeavours!  

Focussed and Victorious 

Reviwed by Ayyash AbuBakr  The Karate Team of Trinity College Kandy ventured out to participate in a competition at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium on the 3rd and 4th February 2024.   The young Karate kids of TCK stood out among several competitors doing justice to the training and practice they have had under their coach.  The team participated in several events that gave them more experience and knowledge.   Master P.R.J.S.G.Rajakaruna achieved greater heights with his exceptional performance in the under 18, 6,5,4 Kyu Kata event which earned him a place for an international expedition. In the same age category, Master Cheruka Rajakaruna was placed among the best 8 in the 6,5,4, Kyu Kata event.  In addition, TCK’s Junior Karate masters were also highlighted at this competition.   In the under-14 age category,   While,  Master N.V.N. Dias under the age 16 category, was among the 8 best Kumite   With the help of the coach Mrs. Harshani Basnayake and TIC Mrs. Dasuni Gunaratne the Trinity College karate team has reached great heights and even more remembrance.    Trinity College Kandy has reached new dimensions in her sporting sphere, receiving recognition for prowess in Karate.  

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